The Legend Of The Rainbow Bridge: The Paradise Of Our Pets

The legend of the Rainbow Bridge: the paradise for our pets

Legend has it that  when the four-legged angels (and any other creature we have loved) leave and say goodbye with the last sigh, they cross the Rainbow Bridge. On the opposite side of this bridge are meadows and hills where they can run, play and enjoy their innocence.

They say there is enough space, food, water and sun on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge for everyone to feel good. According to the legend, moreover, all those who have been sick, maimed or cruelly wounded, recover completely and overflow with joy.

Our little friends are happy and satisfied, except for one small detail: they miss someone they have left on this side of the Rainbow Bridge. For this reason, while everyone is running around and playing, sometimes someone stops and fixes their brilliant gaze on the horizon.

rainbow bridge 2

The meeting place of our souls according to legend

His body shudders and, seized by a great emotion, he separates from the group running quickly along the field. He sees us in the middle of the bridge and wants to run towards us to receive us. The legend says that, at that point, animals and humans, friends of the heart, get together to never separate again.

His wet slinguazzati wet our face and our hands can do nothing but caress our angel on all fours, our beloved creature. Then we remain united for eternity through a wise mutual gaze, full of love and honor.

This legend fills our hearts with hope as we face the loss of our beloved pets. It helps us to understand metaphorically that, when an animal leaves this world, it remains in our heart even if we cannot physically appreciate its warmth.

Even if they leave this land, in reality they remain in our hearts, accomplices, happy and affectionate.

man and dog forming a heart

This legend does not leave aside the animals that, in life, could not enjoy the love of a person. The exciting story, in fact, continues like this …

“Suddenly, on the Rainbow Bridge, dawn broke out in a different way than on other days, so full of sunshine; that day was cold and gray, the saddest day imaginable. Those who had just arrived did not know what to think, had never seen such a day in that place. But the animals that had been there for the longest time, waiting for their loved ones, knew perfectly well what was happening and approached the path that leads to the Bridge to observe.

They waited for a while, until a very old animal arrived, with its head down and dragging its tail on the ground. The animals that had been there the longest knew its history, because they had seen this phenomenon occur many times. The new pet approached very slowly: it was obvious that he felt a strong emotional pain, even if on the body it did not bear any signs of physical suffering.

Unlike the other animals on the Bridge, this one did not become young again, nor did he regain his full health and cheerfulness. As he advanced towards the Bridge, he felt observed by the other animals. He knew that this was not his place and that it was better to cross the Bridge as soon as possible, to find happiness. But that was not how it worked: when he approached the Bridge, an angel appeared who, looking sad, apologized and told him that this magical connection could not take place. Only animals accompanied by their loved ones could cross the Rainbow Bridge.

With nowhere to go, the old animal turned around and saw, on a meadow, a group of other animals like himself, some very old, some weak. They weren’t playing, they were simply lying on the grass, staring at the path that led to the Bridge. Then he joined them, observing the way in his turn and waited.

man and dog

One of the animals just arrived at the Bridge did not understand what he had just seen and asked for an explanation. “Do you see that poor animal and the others next to him?” They are animals that have never had a person. At least that one was in a shelter; he had entered it as he is now, with gray fur and rather blurred vision. But he never managed to get out of it and died with the only affection of the volunteer who took care of him and who waited with him for him to leave the earth. Since he did not have a family that gave him love, now he has no one to accompany him to cross the bridge ».

The first animal pondered for a second, then asked, “What happens now?” Before the answer was heard, the clouds scattered for a very strong wind to blow them away. A person could be glimpsed who, alone, approached the bridge; among the elderly animals, a whole group was suddenly bathed in a golden light and thus became young, healthy and full of life again. “Wait and see,” said the more experienced animal then.

little girl stroking a dog

Another group of the waiting animals approached the path and lowered their heads as that person approached. Passing in front of those heads, the individual touched them one by one, stroked them or scratched their ears in an affectionate way. The reinvigorated animals lined up and followed that person to the Bridge, after which they forded the Bridge together.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Asked the inexperienced animal. The other replied: «That individual was a great lover of animals and worked to defend them. The animals you’ve seen lower their heads in respect are those who, thanks to the efforts of people like him, have found a new home. Obviously, all those animals will cross the Bridge when their time comes, when those who made up their new family arrive. But those you saw at first old and then rejuvenated are those who have never found a home and, having no family, cannot cross the Bridge. When a person arrives who has worked on earth to help abandoned animals, they are granted a final act of redemption and love. All those poor animals who have not had a family on earth are allowed to accompany those good volunteers so that they too can cross the Rainbow Bridge ».

rainbow animals

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