Manage Chaos With 5 Buddhist Teachings

Manage chaos with 5 Buddhist teachings

The world has never been a peaceful and harmonious place. Each era has had its dark moments. However, in the contemporary world there is so much chaos in terms of stimuli and experiences that everything is always perceived as chaotic. To manage the chaos of everyday life, we can appeal to some Buddhist teachings.

One of the main problems of the contemporary world is that many times there is not even time to think. Analyzing things and meditating on them is absolutely necessary, yet the quantity and flow of information and activities are so unmanageable that we don’t even have time to assimilate them.

It is therefore necessary to carve out personal spaces to devote time to reflection, but it may happen that you do not even know where to start. Here comes Buddhism to our rescue, teaching us how to handle chaos. A good starting point to consider. We reveal five Buddhist teachings for this purpose.

Buddhist teachings to manage chaos

1. Identify your passions

It may seem like an exaggeration, but it isn’t. There are many people who cannot even clearly identify what they love. To rediscover ourselves and open new positive paths in our life, it is essential to at least become aware of what inflames our hearts.

Woman reflecting

A good idea might be to make a list of all the activities we like. Have dinner with our partner, play with the puppy we have just adopted or take a walk in nature. The ideal is to draw up a long list of things that we like and that we have certainly forgotten, taken as we are from our routine.

2. Stay active

Just as a moment of stillness and reflection is important, there must also be moments of activity. In this case it is not a question of everyday frantic activity, but rather of putting every part of our body in motion, driven by self-love.

One of Buddhism’s tips for managing chaos is to engage in regular physical activity. Dedicating time to our body, for the sole purpose of keeping it healthy and getting it moving. Much of emotional well-being depends on this. A healthy body also helps keep the mind healthy and vice versa.

3. Talk less and communicate more

Part of the disorder in the world today is that we talk a lot about nothing and converse too little. In a day there are many completely trivial and useless interactions. There seems to be a law that obliges us to stay in touch with everyone 24 hours a day, with anyone and without a specific purpose.

These interactions only take away energy. They exhaust us and give us very little in return. In this regard, one of the Buddhist teachings for dealing with chaos is to speak less and converse more. Give proper weight to communication, because the word nourishes or, on the contrary, weakens the mind. For this we have to pay a lot of attention to how we manage it.

Couple chatting at sunset

4. Explore creativity

Creativity is a force that renews us and that leads us to see reality from another perspective. It stimulates us to express ourselves, to think; moreover, it awakens the creative spirit in us. It generates a special form of happiness, because it allows us to bring into play the many facets that characterize us.

Art, crafts and play are the main paths to explore our creative side. We go into these territories to investigate, not to compete or prove something. They are free activities, which are genuine only when we like them and really motivate us. They represent a refuge from the chaos of the contemporary world.

5. Preserve authenticity

We often waste too much time and energy building or maintaining appearances. Without realizing it, we may be too dependent on the opinion of others. This type of pressure is suffocating. Working on a way to escape from these conditions that do nothing but put pressure and tire us, can only do good.

When we manage to be real people, authentic in fact, we feel free from a huge weight on our shoulders. And this is because we will no longer have to strive to maintain an unrealistic image of ourselves . Just testing yourself brings peace and tranquility. In this state we can manage chaos with a greater chance of winning.

Girl at the window

All the advice given here for dealing with chaos is an invitation to connect genuinely with ourselves, to turn our gaze to what is important and to put aside what does not really matter. These Buddhist teachings are an excellent path to take to increase our well-being and experience the sweet taste of inner harmony.

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