Leadership Of A Team: 15 Tips

Leadership of a team: 15 tips

Leadership of a team, especially in the business world, is an important skill. It seems logical that any organization that wants to survive the competition assigns roles of responsibility to people with aptitudes and attitudes suitable to lead the group.

If we go back a few years (it need not be many), however, we will find ourselves in front of the image of the demanding and severe leader; however, this profile has changed dramatically in many companies today. What do human resources departments look for in a person to consider them a potential leader? Read on and find out!

Leadership of a team: working group

A first key point in the leadership of a team is to form the work group. In selecting the members who will be part of it, a good leader must be able to consider the skills of the employees and the objectives to be achieved.

It will be necessary to understand if the selected people have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the assigned tasks; it will also have to predict whether they will be able to cooperate efficiently. Once the leader is clear about who should be in their group, they will need to focus on the second key point: defining the mission.

It is essential that group members understand what the task they are to develop is, as well as having clear what is expected of them. The latter constitutes the third key point in team leadership: setting expectations and goals, for the group and for individuals.

A group at work

Plan the work

After identifying the objectives and qualities of the workers, it is necessary to structure and plan the work. That is to say,  the leader will have to clarify the working methods and roles of each member of the group,  as well as the time limits set for achieving the objectives.

Then it is time to emphasize the fifth point: to  train and stimulate the members of the working group. A good leader must take into account the company’s training tools and stimulate their use among employees, such as monitoring one another.

A sixth key point in team leadership is to create a sense of group by identifying conflicts and different events that are important to the team. It is equally  important to include in the planning periodic reviews in which to check the achievement of objectives and expectations. That is to say, the group has to be monitored, which is the seventh key point.

Importance of feedback

As monitoring takes place, employees should be given information about their engagement. 

This would be the eighth key point in team leadership: giving feedback. In addition, it is important that the leader manages the work group’s relationships with the rest of the company. This management of


constitutes the ninth key point.


The tenth key point is the leader’s ability to incite and motivate the group. But he must also participate and intervene in the work. Be an active part. Along the same lines, we find another key aspect: being able to provide information and tools (material, personal and financial) to the group.

Furthermore, the leader must stimulate the autonomous work of the team by motivating the members to solve by themselves the problems that may arise in carrying out the task. This way of stimulating self-management is the thirteenth key point. 

For this to be possible, however, it  is imperative that the leader address interpersonal issues that may affect the performance of the task. In other words: it must support the social climate. To conclude, we must not forget the last key point: the leader’s ability to identify the team’s problems and implement effective solutions.

Image courtesy of Paul Bence and Rawpixel.

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