Knowing Each Other To Be Happy

Getting to know each other is an exciting challenge. It is the starting point for chasing change, for conquering the jobs, projects and relationships we desire.
Getting to know each other to be happy

“Who I am?”. Here is the question we all ask ourselves sooner or later in life. Especially in that precise (and precious) key moment in which everything around us changes and we do not know nor are we able to recognize ourselves. Getting to know each other to be happy, finding each other, undertaking a personal development that will last for a lifetime.

So it all begins, with a simple question capable of detonating a thousand other equally complex questions. Getting to know each other, discovering yourself and developing your potential is the way to go to find all the answers.

Getting to know each other to be happy. Discovering the greatest treasure: ourselves

Literature offers many references on the art of knowing each other and discovering who you really are. As children we are often asked the classic question of what we want to do when we grow up; sometimes we ourselves fantasize about a hypothetical profession. We project ourselves into the future and begin to build an image of who we are and who we would like to become.

Many criticize this lifestyle and its possible repercussions. Often they push us to focus on an undefined point of our future, without reminding us that what we will be depends first of all on knowing ourselves. Do we really know who we are?

The vision we have of us, whether we want it or not, develops on the basis of the education received and the canons dictated by the society in which we live, it is almost never based on what we really want. The art of knowing oneself is often postponed or, more often than not, simply omitted.

Girl looks in the mirror to know herself and be happy.

We are what we see at school or at home

Sometimes we get carried away too easily by the tendencies we are exposed to in the family, like the daughter of doctors who wants to follow in her parents’ footsteps. And then it happens that too late we realize that the path taken is not the one desired.

We tend to adopt reference figures and follow their steps. We are happy to follow the path already traveled by someone else, we think we know what to expect from that type of choice. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

But that’s how we don’t worry about understanding who we are, or rather, to define who we are. How I think, what I feel, what colors I want to see the world through, what excites me, how things are around me, how I communicate with others, what I expect from life, from myself and from others.

As we see, the first bridge to self-knowledge lies in education. We must accompany our boys and girls to discover who they are: unique beings.

Getting to know each other, the starting point for being happy

There is a precise and precious moment in which knowing yourself takes on the appearance of an exciting challenge, precisely as a challenge. This is the moment when we decide to change what we don’t like, launching ourselves into the exploration of our abilities and breaking down many of the limits that we had set ourselves.

Too often we live with the autopilot mode activated, unable to really make our own the emotions we experience. When we finally become aware of the wide range of possibilities that open up in front of us, the process of self-knowledge acquires more meaning.

It is normal not to know where to start, it is just a matter of learning to focus on yourself and to work on personal development.

Psychology and coaching, the best allies

Getting to know each other and working on your personal development are two sides of the same coin, thanks to which we can be happy. But it is not a road to be taken alone.

Surround yourself with people who enrich your life, after all we are the average of the 5 people we hang out with the most. Another tip is to get closer to psychology and coaching, two positive psychology tools that can improve well-being.

Girl knows herself with closed eyes.

Key questions to get to know each other

  • Who are you?
  • What do you feel?
  • What’s your talent?
  • What are your dreams?
  • What do you like to do?

There comes a time when a new self is born. Thus the process of self-knowledge takes hold. Along the way, we will learn to better manage the world of our emotions, to discover our strengths and those to improve.

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