How To Concentrate In The Era Of Distraction

We live in an age full of distractions, visual stimuli, constant notifications and a constant bombardment of information. How to focus in the age of distraction?
How to focus in the age of distraction

We live in a globalized world, where the stimuli are constant and efficiency and speed are always required of us. We have stricter deadlines and less time to distribute tasks and tasks as we would like. Therefore, getting distracted is often inevitable, with the risk of making mistakes and overlapping activities. To avoid this or try to save time, our mind is pushed to adopt a multitasking approach. A way of working that often turns out to be ineffective due to the excess of stimuli to which our attention is unable to offer an adequate response. But then, how to concentrate in the age of distraction?

In this article we will see what are the most common distractions we face every day. As well as some ways to control them. Knowing  how to concentrate will  allow you to be less “distracted, prioritizing things that need to be done right away.” You will find that it is not only external stimuli that distract us, but intrusive thoughts as well. And these often appear in the form of worries and have nothing to do with the activity that is taking place.

Why do we get distracted?

The tendency to get distracted, in some way, is the fruit of the very nature of the human being. Our brain has multiple defense mechanisms that allow us to shift concentration from one stimulus to another.

Girl fretting

A very important defense mechanism concerns pain: we tend to divert attention from what causes discomfort or discomfort to avoid suffering. It is a skill, however, on which we can act. In general, people decide to move away from what hurts them, looking for an escape route. This damage can be psychological or physical – devising an activity to avoid storming the fridge is a good example of a distraction.

By thinking in this way, distractions can also be positive or, at least, they can work in our favor. However, the formal concept of distraction is largely negative. This is because lack of concentration, in many cases, slows down and harms the execution of a task or job. Often, we end up diverting attention from something important, letting the external environment or intrusive thoughts take over.

The causes of the distraction

There are distractions as old as the human being. Others, on the other hand, are the consequence of the modern lifestyle. We can get distracted by the noise of a fly or by the light of our phone’s notifications. It is also important to remember that there are real pathologies that directly concern the lack of attention. However, in this article we will focus on issues that go beyond pathological problems.

Not everyone is equally sensitive to distractions, but many agree that, with the arrival of new technologies, the way we relate to the environment has changed. Today we manage our life on two levels: the physical and the virtual one. The problem, directly related to the existence of these two “lives”, is that the single individual no longer knows how to concentrate.

The time we have available is the same as we had 100 years ago. According to a study by the Udemy platform, 36% of millennials said they spend at least two hours a day in front of technological devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Those two hours, 100 years ago, were probably spent resting, reading or walking in the fresh air. That’s why learning how to focus in today’s society becomes critical to our well-being.

How to focus in modern life?

Here are some strategies for maintaining focus:

  • Prioritize : It is impossible for work, family, friends or your Facebook profile to have the same importance. Choose what is most important and separate what is not fundamental in your life.
  • Understand that some distractions are necessary : you are not machines. You need to rest, eat and socialize. To practice, you can write on the calendar not only the obligations and business appointments, but also the trips with friends, the time to devote to reading and to have a coffee with friends. If you consider it important, why not put it on your agenda?
  • Disconnection : As you have seen, your virtual life steals time from your real one. If you notice that you are exaggerating with the use of social networks, balance their daily use.
  • Doing one activity at a time : Multitasking is not for everyone. If you get tired of keeping your focus on two or more things at once, it may not be the right strategy for you. Try to tackle tasks and jobs one at a time.
  • Choose tasks within your reach : don’t try to be who you will never be. If you know you won’t be able to finish a project in two hours, don’t fool yourself: give yourself the time you really need.
Girl smiling in a field

Distractions are natural and shouldn’t become a concern. If they are not the consequence of a pathology, it is important to control them, but also to accept them.

The human brain is not programmed to perform on command. You must learn to interpret what your body is asking for and grant it to it. Take a break, eat, play sports. All of this will have a positive effect on your ability to stay focused.

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