Forgiveness: 7 Sentences To Succeed

Forgive: 7 sentences to do it

Forgiveness is an act of piety, but above all of liberation; for those who receive it, but above all for those who offer it. This exercise of generosity with oneself and with others is essential to maintain emotional stability, to close old chapters and open new ones. It is very complicated to feel good if you keep grudges and for this reason today we show you some phrases that can help you forgive.

In many cases, it is not easy to forgive the person who hurt us,  especially when we feel a need for revenge or our behaviors can fuel that resentment. And it’s even more difficult when the injury was caused by someone we love or have high self-esteem. For this, it is an act of generosity, the resolution of a dialogue with oneself, face to face.

Forgiveness is a sublime act, which is offered as the fruit of a process of reconciliation. This implies a new pact,  according to which it is not necessary to incur again in the behaviors that gave rise to the offense. It is worth it, in any case. For ourselves and for others. Below we share 7 phrases that will help you forgive.

Forgiveness is not easy

One of the phrases that can help us to forgive comes from the pen of Benjamin Franklin. “The three hardest things in this world: keeping a secret, forgiving an offense and making good use of time”.

Forgiveness is never easy, neither on one side nor on the other. In both cases it requires skill. On the part of those who ask for forgiveness, as they must recognize their mistake and commit themselves not to repeat the wrong. On the part of those who forgive, as it requires nobility, generosity and understanding of the weaknesses of others.

A couple holding hands

Two sentences to be able to forgive 

There are many wise quotes from Mahatma Gandhi, among them some invite forgiveness, the basis of his philosophy of life. One of these phrases states that: “Forgiveness is the quality of the brave, not the coward. Only those who are strong enough to forgive an offense know how to love ”.

Gandhi associates forgiveness with love, as strength is required both to love and to forgive. Martin Luther King also saw it the same way, and said, “He who is unable to forgive is also unable to love.” Love always contains the ability to forgive … and forgiveness always contains the ability to love.

Forgiveness is a blessing

William Shakespeare offers us a vision of forgiveness that reveals its majesty. It not only favors those who receive it, but also those who give it. One of his most famous phrases reads: “Forgiveness falls like light rain from heaven to earth. He is twice blessed; he blesses those who give it and those who receive it ”.  

Flying birds

When a person forgives, if he is able to forget, he improves himself. He is capable of going beyond the damage received and of seeking peace with the other. Those who are forgiven receive that benefit, but not for free. In addition, he can grow by recognizing his mistake and admitting that his behavior was unacceptable.

The need for forgiveness

One of the most important reasons for forgiving is that all human beings make mistakes. This is what a sentence of the Spanish playwright Jacinto Benavente reminds us: “In life you learn to forgive only when you have needed to be forgiven”. We are human and, sooner or later, we all need forgiveness.

On the other hand, there are also those who blame themselves and punish themselves too much for making a mistake. Those who feel eternally condemned to ask forgiveness for everything they do. Regarding this, Confucius says: “ Forgive everything to those who forgive themselves nothing “. A phrase that invites generosity of spirit.

Forgiveness brings peace of mind

Jean Monbourquette, a Canadian religious and psychologist, reminds us of the great benefit that the forgiver obtains. One of his reflections states the following: “Everyone needs to forgive at certain times, to restore peace and continue living together”.

A woman in the countryside

The final sentence is a key phrase. Resentments have enormous strength and feed on themselves. When they are very intense and last for a long time, they end up paralyzing. By limiting the emotional life and preventing advancement.

We should always keep these phrases in mind. Forgiveness frees and makes us grow. The important thing is to do it with the heart. It is not a simple ritual to eliminate guilt, but a re-evaluation that must lead to a growth of all involved.

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