Fear Disguised As Laziness

Fear disguised as laziness

Perhaps you have experienced tremendous laziness at the idea of ​​being with your friends or going to that oratory class you were enrolled in with so much enthusiasm. Part of you wants to go, but when the time comes or a few days before it seems as if laziness decides to visit you. What if it’s not laziness?  Today we will discover that it is actually fear that disguises itself as laziness.

Many of our emotions disguise themselves and confuse us. It is as if they have worn a disguise so as not to be discovered, so we get lost in an emotional labyrinth. If we do this, if we fall into their game and get lost in their reality, it is because somehow we still don’t know each other and we still have to mature emotionally.

Why do we feel lazy?

Laziness is just a way to protect ourselves and avoid what we don’t want to do. When the day approaches when we have to get together with our friends or when the oratory course we had enrolled in begins, we are invaded by a great numbness. And that’s where we start mulling over a lot of thoughts, until we come to the conclusion that we’ve accepted something we didn’t really want to do.

You have to be very careful with situations of this type. If the first reaction we had was positive, but laziness appears when the moment of truth approaches, it is not that we do not want to do it, it is that we are running away from something. Are we comfortable with our friends? Did something happen with them? Are we afraid of public speaking or meeting new people?

DOnna in a room full of water

Fear disguised as laziness warns us of a possible danger that we don’t want to face and that we haven’t thought about much until the situation is about to materialize. For this reason, when the time approaches, an alarm goes off in our mind. What is the most likely thing that can happen to not face something that scares us and not to go out of our comfort zone? It is clear, laziness.

Laziness becomes a lifesaver. It’s a reaction to escape fear, but we can’t fall into the trap of believing that we should actually be more assertive with our friends and say “no” if we really feel it. There is something we don’t want to see. A deep fear that is using laziness to make us stay at home and not face the situation.

Undress the fear of his disguise

Fear can be disguised in multiple ways to not be recognized and not have to face it. That’s why working with our emotions helps us discover and remove its disguises. Let’s see what we can do about it.

Boy in the branches fear

Imagine having had relationships that ended in a traumatic way. You find yourself alone, enjoying your solitude, but whenever your friends want to go out (and bring their partners), you are overrun by laziness. Laziness pushes you to stay at home.

In this situation you may think that you don’t like being with those people or just don’t live, but that may not be the case.  For example, it can hurt you to see your friends happy with their partners, while you have only had failed experiences or maybe it bothers you that they always bring their partners.

Even if you enjoy the company of your friends very much, you are the victim of a terrible fear that is not overcome. As a result of experiences, of what you have not yet learned, this fear is telling you that you will make  the old mistakes again  or that you will isolate yourself so that you don’t have to deal with that unpleasant feeling.

Woman surrounded by spheres

The fear that masquerades as laziness tries to protect itself so as not to have to be faced. On the one hand it is a protective mechanism of the mind to avoid suffering, on the other hand it is a limit to one’s personal growth.

We start doing what makes us so lazy. We understand our emotions and, above all, we ask for help. It is important to end fear disguised as laziness. By allowing it to act we will live in a limited way, and this is incompatible with well-being and happiness.

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