Broken Heart Or Takotsubo Syndrome

The link between reason and heart appears to be real and can result in great suffering known as broken heart syndrome, or Takotsubo’s myocardia.
Broken heart syndrome or Takotsubo syndrome

Who has never heard people say “they broke my heart”? Who has never identified with a song about broken souls and shattered hearts? Well, it seems that this is not a simple saying and that, in fact, there is a broken heart syndrome.

Broken heart syndrome, also known as Takotsubo myocardia, is a heart disease that arises when a person suffers from intense emotional and physical stress. It can also occur in totally healthy people who do not have any other diseases.

The blood no longer reaches a part of the heart, which remains in a certain sense paralyzed. This causes a heart abnormality, although the rest of the organ continues to function properly.

Heart on leaf

Takotsubo myocardia: factors that can affect

Although these symptoms may occur in other clinical pictures, they are believed to affect the onset of broken heart syndrome:

  • Many more cases of women with this syndrome have been reported. Consequently, women appear to be the category most at risk of this condition.
  • It has been noted that once they are over 50, people are more prone to this pathology.
  • Patients with neurological disorders are more at risk.
  • People diagnosed with anxiety disorder are more vulnerable.

However, a clinical picture of broken heart syndrome may occur without the previous conditions being present.

Broken heart syndrome

According to several scientific studies, the symptoms that accompany Takotsubo myocardiopathy are very similar to those of a heart attack. Among these we find:

  • Respiratory difficulties.
  • Stinging in the chest .
  • Hypotension.
  • Murmurs or Arrhythmias.

In the event that any of these symptoms occur, the emergency department should be contacted for assistance.

We must pay close attention to this condition, because if not properly treated it could cause the person’s death. For this reason it is very important to contact professionals who intervene as soon as possible to assess the health conditions.

What are the causes of this syndrome?

We cannot claim that there is only one valid cause in every case. However, as already indicated, any situation in which strong emotional and / or physical stress is present can compromise the cardiovascular system. Among the most common triggers we remember: 

  • Death of a loved one.
  • Animated discussions.
  • Car accident.
  • Violence.
  • Strong stress at work.
  • Bad news.
  • Asthma.
  • Seizures.

Treatment of Takotsubo’s myocardia

According to several studies, there is no specific treatment for Takotsubo’s myocardia. In many cases, therefore, we proceed to the administration of medicines designed for anxiety disorders.

In specific cases, the patient is given time to heal, and then recommended specific physical and mental exercises, such as psychotherapy or meditation, so that his body maintains the restored balance.

Girl with broken heart syndrome

Teruel’s Lovers: A Case of Broken Heart Syndrome

There are many legends handed down over the centuries about how some people died because they were unable to endure a breakup. A good example is the legend of the lovers of Teruel.

Legend has it that the story is real or that at least there is a parallel with the legend. Several historical studies claim that Isabel de Segura and Diego de Marcilla really existed.

Diego, who “died of love” for Isabel, may have suffered from the broken heart syndrome; no one dies of love, but one can die from a strong emotional shock.

Obviously those times are long gone. Today, as we said earlier, it is considered a pathology from which it is possible to recover. In fact, with time and the right intervention, the patient returns to normal.

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