Be More Charismatic Thanks To 5 Habits

Be more charismatic thanks to 5 habits

What do you do in your daily life to be more charismatic? As Paul Rand said, “often the way something is done or presented becomes more important than something itself.” That is to say, sometimes the ways or circumstances in which an action is performed matter more than the action itself.

We see it, for example, in people who decide to practice a sport: they often feel stimulated more by the team spirit than by the sport itself. Or again, who has never happened to attend conferences in which, despite speaking little, the speaker manages to fascinate the public and others in which, despite the large amount of information provided, the public is not enthusiastic?

Charisma is a gift of a few, and the people who manage to develop it are among the most attractive. These are not necessarily beautiful or super intelligent people, but charismatic people with a kind of aura that adds a touch of color to everything they do. It is as if they leave behind a trail of originality, much appreciated. But the charisma is still a character aspect, and as such, it can be refined and strengthened. So let’s find out some habits to be more charismatic .

5 habits to be more charismatic

Charisma is clearly a fundamental aspect of personality, in fact it affects both interpersonal and working relationships. Charismatic people simply need their presence to get whatever they want.

However, being charismatic isn’t always easy, as talking and connecting with others isn’t exactly child’s play. But luckily, there are some good habits that might help you be more charismatic.

Eat and sleep well

We often forget how important sleep and proper nutrition are. Of all the good habits, these two are certainly the ones that most help us recharge and stay energetic throughout the day. Not getting enough sleep and poor eating makes it easy to get overwhelmed by sleep and exhaustion.

Sleeping boy

When we get tired, we tend to behave passively. We do not feel fit, neither physically nor psychologically and, therefore, our body language suffers, to the point of making us less expressive. By doing so, we are much more “cold” when we relate to others and end up keeping a “low profile”.

To give the best of us every day, we must live in a healthy way aiming at the full satisfaction of all the primary needs of our body. When we feel full of energy, it is much easier for us to relate to others. Don’t forget to practice these simple tricks to be more charismatic!

Keep your hands free

Communication is not just a matter of words. Our non-verbal language says much more about us than we would like. By body language we do not only mean the movements we make with the head and the monosyllables we pronounce when we nod to make our interlocutor understand that we are listening to him, but also the gestures we make with our hands.

If we put our hands in our pockets, or worse, keep our arms folded, we communicate a passive or defensive attitude. Experts define these gestures as “traps”, as they certainly do not increase our charisma.

Among the habits that can make us more charismatic we certainly find that of keeping our hands free to give fluency to our gestures. By doing so, we make the most of the potential of non-verbal language and we seem more casual.

Visual contact

Here is another habit capable of bringing out all our charisma: eye contact. You have to look your interlocutors in the eye. This attitude is the basis of a “fluid” communication.

But be careful, this does not mean obsessively looking into the eyes of others, otherwise we will make them uncomfortable. You just have to avoid dodging the looks of your interlocutor, find a balance and maintain a casual attitude.

Inner wealth

In a sense, having charisma means being able to best express your personality, being able to adapt and choose wisely the most appropriate aspects to show according to the circumstances. This does not mean pretending to be different, but rather adapting your attitude to the situation in which you find yourself.

Now, this ability is often the result of knowledge, but above all of self-awareness. A wealth that if used wisely can give unparalleled dexterity and skill. A good way to be more charismatic is therefore to  develop a powerful inner world, our own unique philosophy of life. With such a cultural (and personal) background, it is much easier to connect with any person.


Empathy is a fundamental factor in interpersonal relationships. Being empathetic means knowing your interlocutor and knowing what excites him. If you can get the conversation around a topic that fascinates him, if you care about his well-being and interests, it will be much easier to connect with each other.

Thanks to empathy, it is possible to establish relationships and bonds that are pleasant for both parties. Conversations will be smoother and more intimate, there will be no discussions but exchanges of views.

Hearts in your hands

Thanks to this simple guide, you now know all the secrets, rules and attitudes to adopt to be more charismatic and thus improve your interpersonal relationships. If you are not charismatic by nature, do not despair, by working on yourself everything is possible.

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