A Woman’s Heart Is The Strongest Place In The World

A woman's heart is the strongest place in the world

Anyone who claims that a woman’s heart is weak is wrong.  Few things beat so strongly and emanate so much light in this life and essence to the world, like the soul of a woman who loves her family. In its many doors there are conscience, emotions, balance and intuition, which give life to the most powerful building known to nature.

It is an immense place where there is room for everyone, where everyone is cared for and where there are no external rules, because a woman is faithful to her principles and values. She fought in so many different places that she decided to keep the triumphs for herself,  and the disillusions as part of the path, from which to get a teaching.

We live in a society in which the dimensions associated with men are continually valued, such as domination, power, security or logical reasoning. In fact, they are concepts that don’t really define men either. It is modernity, society that imposes values ​​that rarely coincide with the authentic human essence.

On the other hand, and in an almost traditional way, the other aspects that define the feminine character have always been left in the background as if, in some way, they were associated with weakness: intuition, emotions, sensitivity, empathy, etc.

Relating these dimensions to human frailty is a big mistake. A woman’s heart is built on these pillars, and is a clear example of the strongest strength. We invite you to discover it with us.

Only you know the battles you have fought

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What a woman has lived and had to endure during her life only she knows.  And many of these things she prefers not to tell them, to keep them to herself, because they are chapters to be endured in silence to build up one’s life. Those that define us.

Every battle you have experienced must build your fortress and teach you which path to follow and which not. Because after so many difficulties, your heart becomes wise. And being wise sometimes involves storing up a lot of disappointment, but also remembering that without ambition, life wouldn’t be the same.  

All the wounds you healed

There are those who let themselves be won. There are those who succumb to relationships that do not bear fruit, and those who keep quiet and let themselves be carried away by the fear of reacting, for fear of being alone or, perhaps, for fear of encountering worse. The heart of a strong woman is also courageous. She knew how to break the bonds that hurt her, she knew that, sometimes, there comes a time when she must be his priority.

Being strong does not mean having a lot of muscle, nor does it mean reacting with brute force. Being strong doesn’t mean closing your eyes and pretending nothing has happened either. It involves knowing how to meet yourself and what you need,  being able to support yourself and start living again.

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A woman’s heart is not afraid to get in touch with her essence

Your essence is that which gives you strength and which shapes your heart: emotions, intuition, empathy …  Knowing how to listen to that inner voice which, in turn, connects with what is far away and which unites us to wounds that unite the whole world.

Knowing how to interpret an unknown face, anticipate reactions, sense sadness and infect happiness. And, of course, there will be those who will tell you that you are a bit of a witch, but you smile in silence, because you know that it is not true, that in life there is a lot to learn and that what guides you is loyalty and love of the people you care about.

In your heart there is room for the life of your loved ones, and there is room for yourself

Anyone who says that there is room for everyone in a woman’s heart is wrong.  You have come to a moment in your life when you understand who deserves to stay inside and who, on the other hand, needs to sit outside.

Your heart is beating calmly today because you have left the tides behind, because you know that there are people who hurt and that those who close the doors to people who have done nothing to stay are not selfish: they are wisdom, they are prudence and, above all, they are take care of yourself.

And, in fact, your soul is populated by your loved ones, who give meaning to your life. Your heart is the best place for a child to grow up,  the best place to share with that mate who deserves it so much.

However, it must be understood that a woman’s heart also deserves a great deal of space for herself. To devote attention, heal yourself, be free and happy with yourself. With what it is and with what it has achieved.

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