Quotes By Emilio Lledó, The Sage Of Spain

The Spanish philosopher Emilio Lledó was the son that his godmother Fernanda was unable to have, the woman who welcomed him to protect him from the pains of a war that smelled and smelled of hunger. Today we revisit his thoughts through his best phrases.
Phrases by Emilio Lledó, the sage of Spain

Are you looking for inspiration? Why not by reading some of Emilio Lledó’s best phrases? This Spanish philosopher, professor and thinker is considered by many to be the “official sage of Spain”.

Lledó, after his 90th birthday, has a wealth of works that are difficult to contain in a single article. Born in Seville in 1927, we can summarize his professional and intellectual path as that of a tireless worker.

To summarize his thoughts, we have decided to collect some of the most significant sentences of Emilio Lledó. Let’s find out.

Pages of a book

Emilio Lledó, the official sage of Spain

Emilio Lledó went to live in Vicálvaro, one of the districts into which the city of Madrid is divided, when he was only six years old. There he met Don Francisco, the teacher of his school, whom Lledó considers responsible for his passion for knowledge and his curiosity for knowledge.

From that distant childhood, Lledó studied philosophy and moved to Germany to work as a professor without knowing the language. He later returned to Spain, now in his 60s, to give lessons in Barcelona, ​​Tenerife and Madrid, becoming a source of inspiration for many of his students.

Lledó believes that education is much more than memorizing, repeating, writing a theme and passing a course. According to this philosopher, the enthusiasm for knowledge is of vital importance to transmit the passion for knowledge to children right from the start.

Emilio Lledó won the Princess of Asturias Award in Communication and Humanities, among other accolades, and is a respected member of the Royal Spanish Academy thanks to numerous works and essays including El silencio de la escritura (“The silence of writing), Memoria de la ética (“ Memory of ethics) or Elogio de la infelicidad (“ In praise of unhappiness ”).

Quotes by Emilio Lledó

Here are some of the most interesting phrases written by Emilio Lledó, the tireless defender of human freedom. His struggle to make us aware of the transforming power of education and his thoughts for a happier and more just world are imprinted in them.

The future

The first sentence of Emilio Lledó that we propose today recalls another famous one which reads “Whoever does not know history is condemned to repeat it”. Without memory, man is doomed to constantly repeat the same mistakes, putting his future at risk.

On the other hand, people tend to use their memories to create expectations. Thus, very often what we expect to happen is closely linked to the events we have witnessed on other occasions.

Values ​​and symbols

Professor Lledó has always raised the flag of positive values. For him, certain symbols serve more to create conflict or to separate than to unite as an element of cooperation and understanding. In fact, he believes that in the face of flags or hymns, human values ​​are rather those around which humanity should gather and celebrate.

Emilio Lledó phrases about memory

Emilio Lledó refers here to the responsibility we have as a society, taking into account the new generations, not to forget. To burn past mistakes to prevent them from repeating themselves, to condemn the known and disastrous consequences of the past.

Unfortunately, as he denounces, this often does not happen. Wars continue to exist that serve only the interests of a few, of those who enrich themselves through conflict and destruction.

Human consciousness and sky

Quotes by Emilio Lledó about money

Another workhorse of Professor Lledó has always been the obsession that some have with getting rich at all costs, including others. This becomes a problem when we confuse success with wealth, despising people who have different values.

In Spain this was a widespread phenomenon during the years leading up to the crisis. Within circles in which corruption was king, the suspicions fell on those who did not steal or use their influences to enrich themselves.

Freedom of expression

For Emilio Lledó, more than freedom of expression, what counts is freedom of thought, which can be reached only and exclusively through culture and the intellect. There is no use talking if you don’t know what you are saying.

These phrases by Emilio Lledó represent little hints of his thought, of his defense of values ​​above all those means of the powerful that give rise only to clashes and conflicts; of his recognition of memory as a place to take refuge in order not to repeat past mistakes.

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