Green Tara, Cathartic Mantra

The Green Tara mantra is a ritual to ward off fears and dangers
Green tara, cathartic mantra

The Green Tara mantra is named after the most important goddess of Buddhism, the deity of universal compassion, enlightenment and virtuous deeds. She is said to be the mother of all Buddhas.

The word Tara means “liberator”, as it frees mainly from the fears and threats of the outside world. Among these, according to tradition, the fear of elephants, lions, fire, snakes, thieves, tormented waters, slavery and evil spirits. The Green Tara mantra is therefore a ritual to ward off all these dangers.

The Green Tara mantra also protects against internal dangers such as pride, ignorance, jealousy, hatred, stubbornness, attachment, tormenting doubts and greed. For Buddhists, this is a very powerful mantra that offers tranquility and security.

The meaning of the Green Tara mantra

A mantra is a set of syllables, phonemes or words which, according to some beliefs, have psychological and spiritual power. Etymologically the word means “mental tool”. Each mantra induces a certain state of consciousness or mood. The Green Tara mantra is used to deal with fear and insecurity.

Green Tara mantra

The Green Tara mantra is composed of the following syllables: Om tare tuttare ture soha . It refers to Tara, goddess of universal compassion, and to green, the color of vitality for Buddhists. If analyzed in detail, the meaning is the following:

  • Om: it concerns body and mind, the approach to the universal divinity.
  • Tare : is the liberation from suffering and inner forces.
  • All-round : it represents a protection against internal and external dangers.
  • Ture : is a protection against physical illness as well as being a word that generates peace.
  • Soha : represents long-term protection against internal and external dangers.

Meditation and the Green Tara mantra

The Green Tara mantra has a very profound meaning for Buddhists. Even in the West, however, many people rely on mantras, using them as a means of feeling calmer and more relaxed. Most do not give them the same connotation as Buddhists, but still use them to draw strength.

Hands joining Buddhism

According to the Buddhist tradition, the ideal is to pronounce this mantra while meditating. Also, for the Green Tara mantra to be fully effective, you have to follow a few steps:

  • Look for a quiet place. Sit down, close your eyes and breathe.
  • Think about the problem you want to clarify.
  • Focus on the idea of ​​making the anguish and fear disappear.
  • Say the mantra aloud: Om tare tuttare ture soha and repeat it several times.
  • Visualize a green sphere in your mind as you repeat the mantra and breathe deeply.
  • When you are filled with a feeling of calm, stay in position while breathing and then resume your routine.

Do mantras work?

It is very difficult to establish what the real effectiveness of these rituals is. It is known that evocative words, if said in a repetitive way, have a calming and relaxing power. They somehow help the brain vibrate to another, much more peaceful frequency.

What is certain is that man tends to approach or move away from certain experiences by organizing personal systems of interpretation of the same. Sometimes he does it consciously, but most of the time he doesn’t realize it. This means that our attitude brings us closer to certain experiences and distances us from others, and that we are the ones who interpret what happens to us in different ways.

Buddhist image

So if a person thinks that a ritual like that of Green Tara has a powerful and special meaning, it surely will. Those who are skeptical, on the other hand, will probably not get any effect. Let us remember that the human mind is complex and profound. A world that is still largely mysterious, but with great potential.

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