5 Chinese Proverbs About Love

5 Chinese proverbs about love

It is truly unique that a country like China, unfortunately known above all for the wars, conflicts and dictatorships that it hit, actually contains a very profound popular wisdom. For this reason, today we want to offer you a little journey through some Chinese proverbs about love.

Chinese proverbs usually don’t focus on topics like love, romance and relationships. Much more often their goal is to seek the meaning of life, to attain wisdom or to provide explanations for human behavior. However, there are some that concern heart matters and that contain beautiful pearls of beauty. Let’s see them!

People fix their hair every day. Why doesn’t he do the same with his heart?

This first Chinese proverb is among the simplest and at the same time among the most significant about love relationships. In general, we all take the daily action of looking in the mirror and settling down. We wear clothes we like, comb our hair and show off our best smile.

It is not difficult to look good. In fact, people are spending more and more hours improving their appearance in front of the mirror. But what if we took some of this time to fix our hearts?

Have you ever stopped to think about how your life would change if you spent less time on physique and aesthetics and more on your interpersonal relationships? The wisdom and intelligence of this Chinese proverb resides right there, in inviting people to focus more on caring within and less on appearance.

To deep feelings, deep consequences

Life goes by quickly. We are exposed to an enormous amount of information and are bombarded with constant stimuli. Yet, there is something that does not change: love.  The deeper it is, the deeper its consequences will be.

This is one of the most beautiful Chinese proverbs about love, because it tells us about the wonderful consequences that feelings have in our life. The more sincere and intense they are, the sweeter and more lasting their fruits will be.

It is a complicated concept to understand in a society that is based on ephemeral and instantaneous things. The reality we live in is based on disposable. For this reason, it is such an important proverb, because it tells us that, in most cases, the long term continues to be more beneficial. Even in the case of feelings.

The heart never speaks, but you have to listen to it to understand

It is true that our heart is unable to speak but … To the wise, few words. In many cases, in fact, we find it hard to let ourselves be carried away by what we feel. However, sometimes it is necessary to think less and untie the knots of reason.

This is a very sensible proverb. Trying to explain feelings in words is not always easy and many times it is easier to get carried away by their breeze. If we only ever use logic, we will lose an important part of ourselves.

Love does not beg, it deserves

If we happen to have to ask for something related to the sphere of feelings, there is probably something wrong. We cannot go to someone and beg for their love, because the result is very likely a complete failure.

Conversely, if we turn into people who deserve the love of another, the chances of being loved will increase dramatically. So, don’t ask others to love you. Love them directly and deserve their deepest feelings.

Those who fear suffering are already suffering fear

This latter Chinese proverb is not precisely about love, but it certainly is closely related to it. How many people do you know who don’t have the courage to jump into a new relationship for fear of suffering?

This wise proverb gives us a very clear answer. If we are afraid of pain, in reality we are already suffering. Our own fear, whether it is to love, to change or to embark on a new path, is already a pit of negativity that makes us feel bad.

Chinese proverbs about love contain a wonderful well of wisdom in their words. They tell us that, in reality, much of what happens in our life depends on us. If we are insecure and do not have the courage to take a step forward, if we are detached and superficial and do not listen to our heart, we will hardly find someone who can brighten our life.

These folk sayings are an important reminder for our life. They remind us that happiness is in our hands, and that only we can decide to surround ourselves with love and enjoy a fuller life.

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