Hermann Hesse: The Best Quotes

Hermann Hesse: the best quotes

Hermann Hesse’s quotes are an invitation to reflect on life and the search for identity.  A gift for anyone who wants to deepen themselves, question themselves and discover themselves. A legacy of great psychological and spiritual depth that deserves to be read.

Hermann Hesse was a German writer and painter who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946  in recognition of his literary career. His books have been translated into over 40 languages ​​and more than 30 million copies of his works have been sold.

Among his most important works we find Demian (1919), Siddhartha (1922) and The wolf of the steppe (1927). In most of them it reflects his interest in Eastern mysticism and the spiritual realm, as well as in the insatiable search for new values ​​and points of reference.

Those who knew him spoke of him as a man with a difficult and somewhat gruff personality. He loved solitude and plunging into the abysses of his inner world. A creative, isolated and somewhat unstable person who knew how to turn everything he felt into words. In fact, he is considered an “author of the crisis” always in search of his true identity.

Thoughts of Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse

The path to oneself

Destiny is a journey towards oneself.  A path that we walk day after day to get to know each other a little better. Some are slow to take note, others spend their time almost without perceiving it. One of Hermann Hesse’s quotes to certainly remember when we feel lost.

The phenomenon of psychological projection

It is one of the Hermann Hesse quotes that perhaps surprises the most and that can even cause rejection to more than one reader. However, this phenomenon is known in psychology as projection and corresponds to the attribution of one’s emotions and shortcomings to others.

From a positive point of view, an example would be the falling in love phase in a couple relationship. In it, both members project onto the other characteristics and virtues that do not correspond to the truth. They enhance its generosity, sympathy or good humor. From a negative point of view, however, psychological projection occurs when we blame others to avoid accepting what happened. For example, an insecure person may punish their partner by telling them that they make things difficult for them by always showing them distrust when in reality they are not.

Psychological projection is a complex topic.  It is not at all easy to accept that we project onto others what we don’t like about ourselves.  Getting to know each other, and above all accepting our shadows, will prevent us from being actors and victims of these projections.

Effort is essential to get what we want.  It is the engine that makes us move, together with determination, enthusiasm and desire. It is useless to dream if we do not plan, if we do not establish a plan and do not seek a way to reach our goals.

Hermann Hesse had no doubts: whoever really wants something looks for all the means to get it. There are no excuses or possible obstacles for those who give themselves to achieve their goal. At least to try.

Tunnel person

The complexity of empathy

Putting yourself in the shoes of others is not an easy task.  Viewing the world from the perspective of others, hosting their feelings and acting according to them is more complicated than it seems. On our own skin, how many times have we felt that no one understood us ?, or on that of others, how many times, despite having tried, we have not been able to find a logic in the way of acting of others or we have been wrong in the way we have judged them ?

We believe that being empathic means empathizing and it is. However, not from our view of the world, but from that of others: from their circumstances, problems, illusions, fears, etc. To do it as exactly as possible, we should have lived their story and this is impossible. It is the reason why it costs us so much to understand and feel understood.

The cathartic communication

It is one of Hermann Hesse’s quotes to always keep in mind in our daily life. Sinking into malaise, negative feelings, and ultimately our problems hurts us. The best option is to release everything that somehow imprisons us from within.

Giving voice to our negative emotions helps us to let off steam,  to unload that weight that sometimes makes us so tired and consumes us. Expressing ourselves also improves our relationships. Silencing our opinion is an obstacle to understanding better with others. A great wall that distances and makes you lose complicity with the bonds.

The relationship between love and happiness

After many years of introspection and contact with himself, Hesse came to this precious reflection. Nothing brings happiness like love. For Hesse, nothing compares to this wonderful feeling.

It is one of the Hermann Hesse quotes that contains the most wisdom and beauty. Through it he sends us a profound message to remind us of the most important thing. A call from the depths of his being to humanity.

Heart drawn on a glass

The importance of recognizing how we feel

Our state of mind is always important. Be it positive or negative, intense or weak. The emotional sphere is one of the central axes of our life.  For this, recognizing how we feel and validating it becomes essential. Otherwise, if we ignore how we are, we allow ourselves to be enveloped by a dark halo of malaise and suffering.

Despising our sadness, denying that we experience anger, or underestimating our moments of joy takes us away from ourselves. Precisely for this reason Hesse is sending this message. In his eternal search for identity he discovered how important it is to recognize one’s feelings in order to recognize oneself.

As we can see, Hermann Hesse’s quotes are a valid legacy for anyone who wants to learn more about their inner world. Phrases to consult in our most existential moments that invite us to reflect on the connection with ourselves.

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