Mayan Proverbs To Appreciate The Present

Discover the millennial wisdom of the Mayan civilization through these 7 incredibly current proverbs.
Mayan proverbs to appreciate the present

Humanity has always been a source of incredible wisdom. It is enough to look at the ancient Mayan proverbs to find an example of intelligence pills whose validity has not gone out of fashion at any time in history.

You cannot judge a people, a race or a civilization without first doing a contextualization exercise. Indeed, it would be very unfair to look at facts and acts of the past with the eyes of the present. Among the various reasons, also because the influence of the context on what a people said or did is enormous.

The more we study history, the easier it is to come across small life lessons in the form of proverbs, fairy tales or refrains that never go out of fashion because they are tied to the nature of the human species.

From an anthropological point of view, therefore, we could say without hesitation that “the past is always better”. However, some little pearls of wisdom from the past, such as Mayan proverbs, can spur us on to live better in the present.

Figure carved by the Maya.

7 Mayan proverbs of incredible relevance

There are still many mysteries that the Maya civilization conceals. This thousand-year-old people who lived in the land that is now Mexico, gathered much of its wisdom in its proverbs; excellent testimonials that we have decided to list in this article and valid even in our times.

Look at yourself

This proverb is as simple as it is eternal and powerful. Despite the passing of the years, if we want to know who we really are, we can’t help but look in the mirror. A physical mirror will give us back our external appearance, an internal mirror will allow us to observe the secrets of our mind and our being.

Use logic

This Mayan saying is so logical that sometimes we don’t even realize we are ignoring it. In a basket with holes, corn, rice and other products will be lost. Why do we sometimes pursue impossible things even though we know that we will not get the desired results?

Psychology gives us a reason: sometimes we embark on feats that we cannot complete, in spite of others that are more feasible, so as not to affect our self-esteem in case of failure.

Think before you do

This Mayan proverb dates back to the dawn of time. If you do not want to regret your acts and their consequences in retrospect, think before you do or say something and analyze the possible reactions. Thus you will avoid many problems.

Mayan Proverbs: Everything has its value

This sentence suggests that everything has its value. Some people try to deceive others into believing that something is worth more than truth, in reality everything has a specific value and price.

The truth

When a person doesn’t get right to the heart of an issue, they are probably lying. The Maya warn against individuals who engage in a display of dialectic to hide, perhaps, what is true or what is not meant.

Mayan temples and ruins.

Mayan proverbs: constancy in work

Here is another classic saying that appears in any historical collection, but always current. Consistency and faith in one’s work are the essential elements for it to succeed in the best possible way, allowing us to achieve the set goals.

Criticism and self-criticism

This proverb can easily be traced back to another one of biblical origin: do not look at the speck in your brother’s eye unless you have first removed the beam from yours. In other words, before you criticize other people and talk about what others are doing, you need to look at yourself and your actions. We may be more wrong than the person we’re pointing the finger at, especially if it’s non-constructive criticism.


Those listed are just seven of the many Mayan proverbs written to explain their reality. The Maya were undoubtedly able to analyze their civilization and their people wisely, leaving us a proverbial legacy that is still incredibly current.

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