Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Effects On The Brain

Vitamin B12 deficiency: effects on the brain

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is essential for the health of our brain. However, a part of the world population is deficient in vitamin B12, which slowly but gradually leads to problems with concentration, mood swings, etc. This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of many vital processes.

When it comes to health and nutrition, many people pay attention to certain indicators, such as levels of iron, potassium, phosphorus or vitamin C. Few have heard of vitamin B12 and ignore its importance for the functioning of the body. brain, for the nervous system, for blood formation and the synthesis of certain proteins.

The problem is that vitamin B12 levels decrease over the years, because the digestive system weakens and no longer synthesizes this nutrient adequately. If we neglect nutrition, reducing or eliminating certain foods, such as meat, without compensating in any other way, gradually cobalamin will alter many basic biological and psychological processes.

For information, be aware that many psychiatrists evaluate vitamin B12 levels during the diagnostic process. Those with low levels of this vitamin could experience various mental alterations.

Person who consumes foods rich in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is needed for brain health

First of all, it is interesting to know that vitamin B12 is the most complex of all vitamins. It is essential for optimal development and to reach advanced age in the best physical and especially mental conditions. Until recently, vitamin B12 deficiency was associated exclusively with one type of anemia – one in which red blood cells are larger than normal and patients experience hand and foot cramps.

However, a vitamin B12 deficiency also affects (does not cause) the onset of anxiety and depression problems. We could therefore say that this nutrient acts as a brain protection and that a possible deficit could favor the appearance of the following problems:

  • A vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnant women puts the proper brain development of the fetus at risk.
  • Vitamin B12 promotes the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. A possible deficiency of this nutrient leads to apathy, nervousness and bad mood.
  • This nutrient optimizes the function of neurons. Low levels of vitamin B12 for a prolonged period carry a greater risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s (remember, once again, that it is a correlation of factors and not a direct cause).
  • People with schizophrenia and autism usually have low levels of vitamin B12.
  • A vitamin B12 deficiency is accompanied by poor vitality and energy, lack of concentration, memory loss, etc.
Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency: what to do?

Before discarding the hypothesis of a vitamin B12 deficiency, it is advisable to consult your doctor or a good nutritionist. The experts will evaluate the levels of vitamin B12 based on the symptoms and the results of the tests and eventually prescribe vitamin supplements.

In any case, the best thing is to pay attention to nutrition, bearing in mind that starting from the age of 50, the levels of vitamin B12 begin to decrease. It is recommended that you speak to a specialist and follow a proper medical and dietary strategy.

Now let’s see what advice you can follow in everyday life to avoid a vitamin B12 deficiency.


Tips for increasing vitamin B12 levels

Here are some tips for increasing vitamin B12 levels:

  • Don’t drink more than 2 or 3 coffees a day.
  • Increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12:
    • Oysters
    • Seafood
    • Octopus
    • Lamb liver
    • Salmon
    • Herring
    • Whole grains
    • Tuna
    • Salted cod
    • Lobster
    • Cheese
    • Egg
  • Antacids and gastric protectors usually destroy vitamin B12.
  • Intestinal parasites hinder the absorption of this vitamin. It costs nothing to consult your doctor and follow an appropriate treatment.
  • It is also possible to carry out laboratory tests to identify the presence of the bacterium Helicobacer Pylori, in many cases dangerous to health.

In conclusion, it is neither complicated nor expensive to keep vitamin B12 levels under control, just follow a varied and balanced diet and pay attention to digestive and intestinal health so that the body does not compromise the levels of this nutrient, but can exploit its benefits.

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