People Of Steel: A Safe Haven We Can Always Return To

People of steel: a safe haven we can always return to

There are people to whom we can always return, even if we have moved away from them light years and are in another galaxy. They are warmth and intimacy, they are a connection at first sight, an unbreakable and unique harmony.

They smell like home; they are the bandages that once protected our emotional wounds, they are that medicine that healed them, that voice that calmed them. It is thanks to them that we can say that the most difficult moments to endure are nothing but moments.

People of steel smell of love and unconditional acceptance. They smell of affection, of big hugs in which you close your eyes and open up in a smile. These people smell of friendship, love, family.

In their eyes you can read “I am by your side and together we will grit our teeth”. They trust us even when we have stopped having them. These people spare us neither the chills nor the fall, but they offer us the exact words that will sew up our wounds.

(Source: Reparando Alas Rotas)

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The most beautiful people I know

People of steel are the ones who hug us so tightly that they unite all the fragments of our heart, the ones who dissolve fear and sadness. Those who have taught us new things through beautiful gestures, which have shown us that the world is a wonderful place.

Thanks to them, every day we find the motivation to strive and be happy. Thanks to their patience, we have discovered that good things happen to those who know how to wait.

Because patience is the virtue that makes emotional freedom grow. When these people blew on our wounds, their breath served as an anesthetic; that is why, with them, we are no longer afraid to face reality.

We only know the value of strength when there are no more alternatives left. We will fall and get up because we will remember that, one day, a person of steel showed us that we too know how to be strong and courageous.

And if at some point we are not able to get up, they will be there, like sticks, they will be our support points. They will remind us that in them we will always find a place where we can take refuge to put the pieces back together.

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Their heart has only one engine: goodness

You can recognize them easily: since you met them, you feel you are better people, because they have made you stronger and enriched your interiority.

Surely you know more than one person of steel, those whose engine only works thanks to the mixture of two fuels: love and understanding.

There is no more comforting warmth than that of people of steel. They are our family, our friends and our advisors; they are our fire, our fireplace. Thanks to their affection, we have understood that, with the right spark, everything can burn.

They protect us from falls, helping us weave bigger wings. They fix our dreams, they fix our fears, they know which sufferings deserve to be experienced and which don’t.

They are beautiful people, who smell of wind and sea. They have the ability to embrace the people they love with just the use of a look or words; they make even the most serious wounds disappear and turn them into beautiful scars.

They make the smiles we use to mask our pain turn into true happiness and don’t break our hearts. They know us so well that they know perfectly well when our “all is well” is sincere and when it is not.

It is impossible to put into words how much these people mean to us. They share an enormous emotional wealth with us, which is why we will always be indebted to them in terms of gratitude. We can never say it enough: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING AND FOREVER.

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