I Love You For How You Make Me Be

I love you for how you make me be

When we talk about love, we do it firsthand, taking into consideration our emotions.

When they say “I love you”, you know you feel it, feel its effect within you, but there is something more … How does that sentence make you feel, so simple and complicated at the same time?

“I love you” are two simple words that can be used randomly, without depth or feeling. They have a huge emotional load that goes beyond the present moment, as they can be life changing.

An “I love you” changes your life

When you say “I love you” to someone, you are showing a very important part of your feelings : you are saying that that living being, for you, is almost as important as you are, so it is a statement that should not be used in a trivial way. .

We must not forget that an “I love you” not only arouses feelings in the other person, but also makes them different ; this is why it must be used with wisdom, wisdom and, above all, love.

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Because when someone says “I love you”, if they really believe it, they say it with their heart and this sentence can change your life forever, since these two words have enormous power.

A sincere “I love you” can change your world

Your world can change dramatically when someone says they love you. In this way, this sentence not only affects your feelings, but also your way of being and your life.

When someone loves you, when you feel loved, everything in your life seems so much brighter, more pleasant, attractive and beautiful. Your reality lights up in a way that only love is capable of.

When you live in a world of love, everything around you is imbued with this wonderful feeling. Suddenly, the people around you, even those you don’t get along with very well, start to look better than before. You see everything with more optimism.

Being more optimistic makes everything around you change for the better. In fact, this will have a direct impact on the lives of the people who are important to you, as you too will be more understanding, supportive and patient.

Because love changes life, the world, existence. An “I love you” not only makes you feel better, it also makes you a better person. Doesn’t that seem incredible and beautiful to you?

An “I love you” can also hurt you

However, an “I love you” can also hurt you. It remains a sentence with a great meaning, but if it is pronounced from the lips of a person empty and without feelings it can cause a strong sadness.

An “I love you” is wonderful, because it fills the heart, soul and spirit, but only if it is endowed with content and meaning; otherwise, it causes feelings of frustration, lack of love, sadness and pain.

I love you because you make me a better person

When someone loves you, they make you a better person, bringing you happiness and love, qualities that can fill the soul of any human being with joy.

Love is a wonderful thing, it is capable of changing people’s lives. If you don’t feel that this is the case, rest assured that what you are experiencing is not love. This is why it is so important to attract sincere love to your life.

Do not forget that when you give love, you are not only changing your own life, but also that of others: that of the person you love and that of other individuals around you.

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A person in love and happy is able to positively affect the life of his family, friends, work colleagues and all those around him.

For this reason, it is important that when love appears in your lives, you let yourself go. Love will allow you to be better, happier and fuller people, and with this positivity you will infect others.

Never forget the power of “I love you”: it improves lives. Never stop loving and allow others to love you with all their souls: together, you will create a better world day after day.

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