Quotes From The Tao To Grow Up

Quotes from the Tao to grow up

The Tao Te Ching is a Chinese text that contains the principles of what in the East is called the flow of life. The best path is the one that leads to inner peace and to follow it we must cultivate certain values ​​and achieve balance. Most quotes from the Tao  are intended to define the principles of well-being.

They indicate a full existence for those who live it and advantageous for others. The quotes from the Tao are therefore teachings to elevate our passage on earth.

The word  tao  can be translated as “way”, “doctrine” or “method”. It is present in various oriental currents such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Zen. It tries to illustrate the natural order of things and the harmonious functioning of the universe.

Many sentences contained in this Chinese text can be hermetic or difficult to understand. Others, however, are very direct and transparent. In both cases the goal is to condense wisdom into maxims applicable in any person’s daily life.

Quotes from the Tao

1. Do not accumulate

This is one of the many quotes contained in the Tao that refer to detachment and independence from what is material. “The wise man does not accumulate; since he considers everything of the others, the more he has himself; since he gives everything to others, so much more does he himself ”.

It means that the tendency to accumulate selfishly has only one consequence: impoverishment. We can have innumerable goods, but what really enriches us is the act of sharing with others; use them for the growth of all.

Heart shaped stone

2. Confucius

This is perhaps one of the most well-known and repeated quotes from the Tao in all latitudes. “If you see someone hungry by the river, don’t give them a fish, but teach them to fish”.

It means that the ideal is not to satisfy the shortcomings of others, but to indicate the way to learn how to get what you need.

3. Water and the Tao

There are many quotes from the Tao that establish a similarity between the main values ​​of life and the teachings of nature. Taoists are convinced that nature is governed by a perfect balance from which each of us can learn.

This concept is clearly expressed in the following expression: “Water is docile and smooth, but it undermines and corrodes the hardest rocks. In overcoming the rock it has no equal. Its slow and peaceful strength is unbeatable ”. In other words, what appears to be more fragile may turn out to be more powerful than what appears to be stronger.

Ripples in the water

4. The three treasures

“I constantly have three treasures. The first is benevolence, the second is frugality. The third is not to dare to be the first in the world. “

In this case, the Tao makes use of the word “mercy” in its meaning of “compassion”. This means that the three great virtues reside in being compassionate, generous and humble. These three virtues stand out in almost all the philosophical currents of the world.

5. Moderation

Balance in life has to do with moderation. It is not a question of avoiding things, but of knowing how to give them the right value and the right space. Depriving or abusing something breaks the balance, the only element capable of guaranteeing harmony.

The Tao states: “The more you accumulate the more you lose. Knowing what is enough is freedom. Knowing when to stop is safety “. Excesses make us lose our inner peace.

Woman walking from behind

6. Unnecessary loyalty

One of the great teachings of the Tao: ” Stop being faithful to the things you depend on and you will get rid of grief and self-compassion.” The most interesting aspect of this statement is the association of grief and self-compassion with addiction.

This phrase indicates that addiction transforms us into blind pursuers of its source; be it an object, a person or a circumstance. This attitude leads us to fear loss, accentuating our lack and making us feel conditioned by what we depend on.

Person meditating

7. Conquer yourself

This is another of the great quotes from the Tao that is quoted frequently. He says: “Whoever dominates others can be powerful, but whoever dominates himself is even more so”.

The main mistakes, limitations and problems we have to deal with are those that live within us. Being strong does not mean defeating others, but solving the difficulties that limit us and the obstacles that we find in us.

The Tao has existed for thousands of years and has influenced philosophies and religions around the world. Its main teachings continue to be useful to us and to guide us to live a life in balance and wisdom.

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