The Right Psychological Reaction When We Are Attacked

The right psychological reaction when we suffer an attack

It is not easy to know what to do when you are attacked. Generally these are situations that catch us off guard and therefore we do not know how to react. This is exactly what many criminals aim for: to catch aback. They act quickly and leave us no time to analyze the situation and choose the best way to react. 

They are also used to being very aggressive right away. Not only do they attack, but they attack with violent words and threaten our integrity. They know it is the best way to destroy every possible resource to resist the attack.

What is the best way to react? Unless you are well trained in martial arts or practice some self defense technique, it is important that you realize that during an assault you are not in a position to do great things, especially if it is an armed assault, as it happens. often on the street.

Learn three principles that will make your experience less traumatic:

1. Keep calm

Whatever kind of circumstance you find yourself, you will have a better chance of being lucky if you keep your cool. Remember that the attacker will put in a good dose of adrenaline and your peace of mind will help him feel the situation under control. That way he won’t commit a more serious nonsense. Your main goal must be to survive and prevent them from causing you physical harm. Even if the abuser is abusive or violent, you don’t have to fight back.  If you do, you can expose yourself to a more serious situation that you may not be able to handle.

2. Obey the instructions

If they’ve got a gun on you, there’s nothing you can do. Obey all instructions from the offender. Give it what you have without resisting. Don’t talk to the attacker. Do not react, do not speak and make yourself almost invisible. Do not do anything that the aggressor does not ask of you and let him know that you are willing to cooperate in the attack. This will decrease his aggression.

3. Be smart

Try to capture as much information as possible. If you look the criminal straight in the eye, you will probably irritate him. Try, therefore, to focus on the features of the face, on the hands.  Pay attention to the tone of his voice, especially particular characteristics such as a particular regional cadence. Look at the clothes and get a general idea of ​​the individual: height, age, ethnicity. All this data will be very important when you report the attack.

Once the attack is over, ask for help right away. Call someone you know and ask him to accompany you to the carabinieri to report what happened.  It is important that you do this immediately as the memory of the situation is fresh and this will allow you to provide all the information possible.

Depending on the type of person you are and the type of aggression suffered, you are likely to need psychological help. These situations generate trauma that could make you experience fear while walking on the street or activate an unconscious fear that can turn into insomnia, irritability, suffering, etc.

Take your time after going through this bad experience and don’t try to blame yourself or complain about what happened. The items that have been stolen from you can be recovered, even if they are expensive. If you have saved yourself and avoided serious harm, you can be sure that you have acted intelligently and that you have been able to successfully overcome such a difficult situation.

Photo courtesy of Luis Pérez

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