7 Health Benefits Of Knitting

7 health benefits of knitting

Knitting, would you like to try? 

It is an activity that you can do comfortably seated on the sofa, while sunbathing or while relaxing on a park bench. You can do this activity on the metro, while waiting for the bus or when listening to the radio.

Do you need more ideas? Join a knitting group with your friends, you will have a fun afternoon and reinforce your empathy, as well as foster the feeling of belonging to a group and learn to work with it.

Knitting is good for our physical and mental health 

Knitting is a beneficial activity for both physical and mental health because it helps to decrease heart rate, muscle tension and blood pressure. This activity forces you to think continuously; from the type of wool to be used, to the work to be carried out, to the needles to choose …

Stitches and seams become allies of our health. Stimulating neurological connections and keeping them active as we age is vital for delaying cognitive problems, as is the case with dementia.

The action of sewing presupposes a complex neurological process, not a simple repetition of movements with the hands. We put into operation the motor area of ​​the brain, the sensitive, visual, auditory and language areas. 

While we sew, our hands and arms remain in constant motion, because we touch the consistency of the balls, choose the colors to use, listen to the instructions of those who teach us to sew and in turn, we can transmit them to other people. We set in motion the part of the brain that has the task of planning and imagining.

If you are still undecided and you need some more information to decide to arm yourself with needle and thread, pay attention:

1.  With the repetition of the points the known “Relaxation response” is obtained; this means that while sewing, a relaxing effect is produced on our organism similar to that which occurs when we practice yoga. 

2.  Sewing may be what you need every day to get calm. It can become an ally to escape from everyday problems, since you will be so absorbed in the activity you are carrying out, that you will momentarily forget about the problems. It is an activity that stimulates your brain and helps you relax and reduce your stress level.

3. It will help you to improve the mood and cheerfulness, as it promotes a good mood. You will be able to reduce stress hormones and at the same time increase the neurotransmitters of happiness, such as serotonin. 

4. Knitting promotes the ability to concentrate, so it can be a real therapy for people who lack concentration. 

5. It helps to feel good about yourself and increases self-esteem, since you will create a garment with your own hands. It will allow you to believe in yourself and will help you to try harder and cultivate patience. 

6. Teaches to fight to achieve one’s goals and not to lose heart even when you fail at the first attempt. Because when you learn to sew, it may happen that you have to undo what you have done and start over. An experience that you can apply to your life.

7. Sewing develops communication between generations, since the elderly are the most experienced and those who know all the tricks of this activity. Listening to their advice is essential to improve and learn. 

What do you think, are you also starting to work by hand?

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