We Are The Creators Of Our Reality

We are the creators of our reality

Do you know what reality is, what is true and what is false in this world of appearances?

As Immanuel Kant said : “We do not know things a priori , if not what we ourselves put into them “. This phrase by Kant implies a “ Copernican revolution ”, a turning point that involves a change of perspective, where reality does not exist in itself, because each subject is active and transforms reality based on his own experience.

According to Kant, we can understand a priori knowledge if we admit that we know only phenomena and not things themselves.

Thanks to Kant’s revolutionary contribution, today we know that we are active subjects of our own experience. There is no single reality that affects us as passive subjects, which means that we are not slaves to our circumstances.

We are creators of our experiences

We are masters and responsible for what happens to us , so every experience is a consequence, an effect of our thoughts, our state of mind and the attitude we decide to adopt at all times.

Surely you have noticed on more than one occasion that, based on how receptive we are, we attract more or less harmful situations. Depending on how open we are and where we focus our attention, we are able to attract experiences that are in tune with the energy we release into the environment around us.


This also happens internally, we are weaker and get sick more easily if our thoughts make us believe that we are puppets of circumstances and that we can not do anything to deal with them.

When negative experiences all come together, it doesn’t mean that life is our enemy. Rather it means that, in one way or another, we are boycotting our experience, through the energy we move with our thoughts and actions.

There are no positive and negative experiences, there are only experiences and each of us, in the same circumstances, can give them thousands of different meanings, can draw different lessons from them and come out stronger or remain anchored in the facts and self-destruct a little at a time..

We are not slaves to our thoughts or emotions

Unlike what many believe, we can control our thoughts and take over our emotions to prevent them from taking control over us.

Thought often remains attached to what it is used to, our neural networks become stronger and are activated automatically, creating unpleasant thoughts in the face of any situation, if this is the habit we have cultivated.

The moment we become aware of all this, we become slaves to what we think, we believe that there is no way to escape our negative thoughts, and this pushes us to take actions that reflect our state of mind.

We don’t use enough energy to achieve our goals and so we get frustrating results. After that, we ask ourselves: how come I never get what I want? Why does all the bad happen to me?


We end up trapped in this vicious circle creating greater helplessness, which is not due to the circumstances themselves, but to how we respond to the situation and how we deal with it.

Becoming aware of the fact that it is we who create our reality and that we are not puppets of circumstances is the only way to change and modify our way of thinking, especially when we realize that we are boycotting ourselves once again.

Only we can change the way we see things and how they present themselves to us. Consequently, the mood will adapt according to how we understand each of our experiences, how we live and assimilate them, incorporating them into our learning.

Because there are not even positive or negative emotions, but simply necessary reactions to what we live. They are indicators of what is happening to us and paying attention to them helps us to know ourselves better.

When we feel, the emotions are released, the energy flows, leaving room for new experiences.

When we focus on blocking an emotion because we don’t want to live it, because we consider it inappropriate or negative, we actually strengthen it, we increase its intensity, thus infecting other emotions as well, which gives rise to an imbalance.

We build our reality, we shape it, we are the architects of our experiences. Are you willing to take on this responsibility?

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are the creators of your own reality and experiences, which develop as a response to the thoughts and emotions that you have set in motion.

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