The Power Of Intuitions

The power of intuitions

You may be thinking that the subject of intuitions has nothing scientific at all, that it is not even a discipline to be taken into consideration. However, this is not the case.

If we pause for a moment to reflect, we will realize that we make most of our decisions almost unconsciously. Not only that: numerous studies support the idea that, before our conscious objectively evaluates an option with its pros and cons, the unconscious part of our brain has already made the decision based on intuition.

Why does this happen? Do we rely more on emotions than on rationality? In reality it is so. The insights weigh as much as the elephant illustrated in this article, advancing into the waters of the unconscious. Now let’s go a little more into the theme to understand it better.

Intuitions and the unconscious brain

Let’s take a simple example. One of our family members has a disease with strange symptoms that make it difficult to get a diagnosis. We go to a specialist who makes us choose between two alternatives: enter the data into a very sophisticated computer that will show us the steps to follow to treat our relative or entrust us to a doctor with a long career and experience.

Which option would we choose? Obviously we would prefer the doctor. Sometimes we don’t need an intelligence based on analysis and logic at all: we trust the doctor’s “intuition” more so that, by means of observation, experience and his feelings about it, he can give us a solution.

P ensiamo now at those times when, suddenly, there is an idea, a project, a plan … it are in bed, out of the blue, comes the unexpected sensation. We are relaxed and our brain gives us an unexpected image.

Where did it come from? This is by no means a logical and considered reasoning: it is more a feeling, an intuition that suddenly emerges from the unconscious part of our brain. So what is the unconscious brain made of?

This is where the very essence of the matter lies . Insights come out of our experiences stored in the brain, from everything we have experienced in life, whether they are successes or failures. It is there that our emotions and our personality are found, but above all our true essence.

The importance of insights

Intuition is a quick response that the brain gives us when we are faced with a doubt or indecision in our daily life. If we were to make a logical effort by making rational analyzes whenever we are in doubt, we would need too much time and too much energy.

Our ideas are mostly emotional, that is, we “feel them” and very rarely do we analyze them through thoughtful thinking. In fact, these dimensions push many experts to investigate how brokers and other agents who pull the strings of large economies make their decisions. Perhaps they too allow themselves to be guided by their emotions and interests without applying logic to their actions.

At this point, we might ask ourselves if it is positive or not to let ourselves be led by our intuitions, if these previous evaluations that we make when getting to know a person are, for example, always right or adequate.

Our life is full of moments like this, in which the heart has made us take a path or another … It only needs to be said that these unconscious decisions are intimately linked to who we are, to our personality and to our values.

Intuitions are those electrical sparks that give light to our life to guide us ; it is enough to listen to them, to follow them or not is up to us.

According to experts, the best insights usually appear in moments of relaxation, when our mind is clearer and more rested. Inspiration and good ideas appear on their own during the night, away from stress and tension. You just need to know how to listen to them.

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