Fogged By Cigarette Smoke

Fogged by cigarette smoke

The people who have the habit of smoking are very many. Some of them are aware of the consequences of this act, while others prefer to avoid thinking about it.

We could enumerate an endless list of health reasons why it is good to quit smoking, even if it is likely that you have already read them and that by now they no longer have any effect on you. Smoking, in fact, has both a positive (calms down, eliminates stress ) and negative (it takes you away from situations you would prefer to stay away from) reinforcing effects.

In this article, we want to analyze the psychological processes that strengthen your smoking habit, focusing on the strengthening effects, which are intimately related to what you try to avoid when lighting a cigarette.

Below, we will enumerate some cases in which smoking is just a way of hiding one side of your personality or what you feel in some situations, since cigarette smoke blurs our vision, both physically and psychologically.

Here are some of them:

Smoking prevents you from having your hands free. This means that you do not feel completely ready to take control of your life or face the unexpected, with your whole body.

Smoking prevents you from looking closely at others. It may happen that, with your way of smoking, with your evasive movements, you create a protective barrier in order not to go deep into the relationship with others.

Smoking prevents you from carrying out activities without the presence of cigarettes, so it undermines your concentration and intoxicates the moments of rest, even if you certainly think it is the opposite.

Smoking prevents you from seeing your loneliness. At the window, in bed, in the office… It does not make you aware of the fact that you are alone (in a positive or negative way), so you are estranged from reality.

Smoking prevents you from contemplating. A sunset, your child’s first steps… You will always stop to light a cigarette.

Smoking prevents you from knowing when you really want to eat one thing or another, because everything tastes the same.

Smoking prevents you from enduring frustration, does not let you analyze a map when you are lost, does not give you the patience to plan more or less important things.

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Smoking prevents you from being free and managing schedules as you wish. You have to wait for the cigarette to do something, you believe that your productivity is related to smoking.

Smoking prevents you from going out in a peaceful way. You leave the house because you want to buy cigarettes at any cost, so you are losing control of your mind and body, because of those 20 nicotine tubes.

Smoking prevents you from showing off your good education, because out of “necessity” you light a cigarette on any occasion, even the least opportune.

Smoking prevents you from running 8 kilometers. You can only do it for 4, even on sunny days, even when your age should allow you to do more sports.

Smoking prevents you from seeing that this monthly expense could be replaced with gifts to your loved ones or with a plane ticket.

Smoking prevents you from smelling good, no matter how expensive you buy perfumes.

Smoking prevents you from seeing that you are wasting your health, time and money.

Put out your cigarette and ignite new habits!

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