Your Heart Is Free, Dare To Listen To It!

Your heart is free, have the courage to listen to it!

Our heart is free, and that is why our freedom resides in it. It alone knows what we really want and what we want at all times. Yet, to listen to him, we must have courage, because we will not always like what he has to say.  Be brave and find out what it wants to communicate to you!

Your heart will always know what you need, even when you feel lost. You just have to listen to him calmly, and he will reveal his message to you. Do not plug your ears for fear of his response or because you fear that he will reveal your insecurities. Stop and listen to him, he has many things to tell you.

Your heart is free, listen to it, do not be satisfied

A very widespread trend in today’s rich and advanced society is that of being content. That is to say that if we do not have major problems, if we have a job, a house, a “normal” life that allows us to make it to the end of the month, we tend to be satisfied with what we have. These seem to be the only goals of millions of people.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking has been passed on to us from childhood. Who hasn’t heard from their parents “study, so you can have a good job in the future”? Getting a comfortable life thus becomes our only priority.

Yet, in many cases, having a comfortable life leads us not to listen to our heart, and this can lead to catastrophic consequences for our life. The truth is that, unfortunately, freedom and tranquility do not always go hand in hand; sometimes, on the contrary, they have no positive consequences.


The heart is free, so it always knows what we need. Today’s society, however, is not based on our dreams and on what we really want, which is why it is difficult to make room for our heart in this complicated world, full of responsibilities, rules and prices.

It is important to learn to always listen to our heart. We must make sure that our life is based on the real dreams that the heart holds, because only in this way will we reach freedom. If, on the other hand, we ignore it and let ourselves be guided by daily commitments, sooner or later we will forget the importance of listening to the most intimate part of ourselves, the one that knows what we want in life.

If we do not listen to our heart, we will never be free, and we will hardly achieve happiness. We will live an empty life full of needs that we will never know how to identify and fill, because the ability to listen atrophies if it is not exercised.

Listening to your heart will set you free

There are many reasons why listening to your heart will set you free and make your life much fuller and happier. If you want to keep reading, we will show you some that will help you feel more fulfilled:

  • If you choose a job only for the salary, it will always be a burden and you will never be truly satisfied. If, on the other hand, you dedicate yourself to what you have always dreamed of, what you like, you will never consider it a job and the responsibilities and commitments will turn into electrifying challenges that will make you want to learn more and more.
  • If you’ve always dreamed of traveling and feeling free, don’t look for ties. It is normal to want to own a home, for example, but one day it could turn into a burden that will prevent you from moving and discovering the wonderful world we live in. Remember that there are other solutions, such as rent, that will keep you less tied.
  • Maybe you want a family, but you have to choose the right time. Don’t rush it, but don’t keep putting things off either. Simply listen to your heart, because it is the only one that can tell you what you really want. Don’t allow something as wonderful as love for your partner and children to turn into a burden and an obligation.

Your heart is free

Only your heart is free. Therefore, listening to him will set you free in turn. Never turn your back on him. Do not allow commitments to blind you to the point of deafness to his voice. Using only your head is never good: logic is necessary, but so are feelings, dreams and emotions.

Never forget that your heart is free. Listening to it is essential, because your happiness in the world depends on it. Do not be overwhelmed by events and always take into consideration your needs, desires, passions and dreams. Only in this way will you be able to enjoy a full life, the one you have always dreamed of. It is not impossible, nothing is!

Images courtesy of Amanda Cass

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