The Positive Side Of ADHD

The bright side of ADHD

When we talk about any type of disorder, we immediately think that it is a condition with only negative aspects. However, this is not always the case. Disorders, although they have different characteristics that cause difficulties and problems, they also have a positive side. Today we want to focus on ADHD, the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is being diagnosed more and more often.

Disorder is not synonymous with disease. A syndrome does not define who we are. In fact, it is not the same to say “a depressed person” and “a depressive person”. The disorder is different from the symptom. For this reason, although it may seem hard to believe, there is a positive side of ADHD that can make us change our minds about this lack of attention, the inability to complete a task or the impulsiveness that we always consider negative.

Before we dive into the topic of our article today, it is crucial to clarify that not all children have the positives of this syndrome, just as the negatives do not affect everyone with the same intensity. Maybe it’s because we don’t know or stimulate this part, as we only focus on minimizing the symptoms. However, even if it is necessary to remedy it, it is also possible to see its positive side and, if possible, to strengthen it.

The creativity of children with ADHD

Did you think that lack of attention and the inability to complete a task are completely negative aspects? Maybe, but you didn’t realize you have a very creative child. It is precisely for this reason that he acts spontaneously, exploring everything around him and focusing on those details that, for others, are insignificant.

Children with ADHD are looking for different ways to have fun. Some of these are very curious and original, the result of their creative ability. Also, if you notice, children with ADHD are always trying to experiment, to search for themselves. In this regard, they are very independent.


Perhaps worst of all is the frustration they feel when they “force” them to stand still, to “behave themselves”, not to explore around them and not to let go of their incredible creativity. This bores them, makes them nervous and can be the cause of negative reactions.

For this reason, if a child with ADHD likes to do something, it is vital that they do it. It is true that, very often, they do not respect the rules and do not do things as they should, but if something makes them happy, it will stimulate their creativity and help them to be enthusiastic young people, in the broadest sense of the word.

They forget the negative episodes

What happens to us adults? When we have a negative experience, we worry, sometimes we blame ourselves and sometimes we feel hurt for a long timeā€¦ On more than one occasion, we even hold a lot of grudges. This does not happen to children with ADHD.

This way of dealing with the most difficult situations can be very positive for their future. Unlike those who do not suffer from this syndrome, in fact, they manage to forget and their world does not remain anchored to the circumstances that made them angry.

This is due to the fact that they live in the present, but also because they tend to adapt to circumstances. Due to their refusal for boredom, for the days all the same that pass one after the other, children with ADHD welcome with open arms all the news that may arise in their life, even if they are not all positive.


For children with ADHD, a last minute change of plans, a move, or a circumstance that forces them to take a certain path in their life  will never be a drama. This ability to adapt and forget is a feature that would be useful to many in avoiding unnecessary worries.

Their energy is contagious

Children with ADHD are incredibly energetic. In fact, they are the ones who propose new games and new challenges with which to have fun with their friends. These children love to make new friends, observe them and contemplate differences as a source of fun and inspiration.

This energy sometimes translates into impulsiveness. Children with ADHD usually don’t think long before they act, they just do it. This behavior drives parents crazy, who can’t see the most positive aspect of this impulsiveness: learning quickly.

Before we talked about boredom but what happens when a child likes and cares about something? Children with ADHD focus all their energy on carrying out that specific activity. If they really like something and they can do it, they’ll never put it off until tomorrow.


This feature helps them to do their utmost in the task that has captured their attention, to give the best of themselves, to put all their creativity into play. Maybe tomorrow there will be a new activity that will fascinate them more, but for today it is this and they intend to enjoy the moment to the fullest. They will put all their efforts into it and make the most of it.

Although we are used to seeing disorders from a negative point of view, in reality there are several that also have a positive side. We just need to look at them from a different perspective to be able to enhance their positive aspects and tilt the scales in their favor.

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