Gandhi’s Three Thoughts That Helped Make The World Better

Gandhi's three thoughts that helped make the world better

If each of us could take up (and above all put into practice) the teachings of the greatest thinkers, surely humanity would have taken a different course. 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a political activist like few others, whose example of life is unmatched. As a thinker, Gandhi did not just express his ideas, but also put into practice what he said, leading a peaceful, simple and solidary life with the most needy of his land, India.

In this article we want to share with you some of the most important thoughts of this great man, who is commonly nicknamed “Mahatma” (“great soul”).

Love, life and forgiveness

Gandhi spoke of love as a human feeling, he did not refer only to the love between a couple, for children, friends, neighbors, but to universal love, towards the whole human race. He preached by example, being in solidarity with the most humble and unfortunate.

He also professed forgiveness as a trait of the brave, emphasizing that the weak are never able to forgive. Have you met people who prefer to live with grudges rather than forgive those who have offended them?  Gandhi forgave his persecutors and had the courage to stand up for his principles in order to follow his ideals.

The product of the earth and the greed of men

Gandhi always lived in a humble and simple way. One of his maxims was that the earth offers what is needed to satisfy human needs, but not to satisfy the greed of men. The devastation of the lands and the excessive exploitation of natural resources are the clear example of what Gandhi wanted to communicate with that simple phrase that we have just quoted.

Religions and its followers

Today there are millions of religions based on good principles. Mahatma Gandhi spoke of the contradictions in which any practitioner of any religion usually falls, namely not to practice what religion professes. Gandhi said: “I like your God, but not your believers, because they don’t look like your God”.

Persevere and you will get what you have intended

Many people stop halfway to their goal as soon as they encounter an obstacle. They are unable to overcome adversity and prefer to give up.

Another maxim that Gandhi left us, in which he expresses the steps to obtain what one has proposed, says: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you and then they fight you. In the end, you will win ”. 

Are you consistent with what you think?

Saying and doing often don’t coincide. You have surely met people who say they are peaceful but do not act accordingly, or people who say they are humble but actually flaunt everything they have all the time. However, there are also those who enjoy their life, doing exactly what they do without worrying about others. And these people seem to be the ones who live the best.

This is why Gandhi said that   “Happiness is when what one thinks, what one says and what one does harmoniously agree”. 

Revenge makes the world blind

Taking revenge on those who have offended you is not always the best solution. Most of the time revenge breeds violence and in this way the problems never end. For this, Gandhi reflected “If we follow the law of an eye for an eye, we will end up blinding the whole world”.

If we could all follow this maxim, imagine what the world would be like?  

Image courtesy of Bokic Bojan

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