5 Reasons Why You Always Choose The Wrong Partner

5 reasons why you always choose the wrong partner

When was the last time you had a bad relationship? Are you among those who start relationships that are always the same as the previous ones? We’ve all had a relationship that wasn’t exactly the best in the world. Maybe there have been arguments, arguments, bad times or, simply, you have realized that you are with the wrong partner.

It’s normal. Interacting with people who are very different from us is part of our growth and progress in life. However, if you have had romantic relationships all your life that ultimately turned out to be wrong, then perhaps you are dealing with a more serious problem. So here are the most common reasons why you always choose the wrong partner.

We advise you to analyze your situation and find the solution that suits you best. You deserve to live a full life with a partner who truly enriches you in a positive way.

Thoughts that lead to choosing the wrong partner

1. I’m looking for a better half who doesn’t exist

We have often heard about the better half and the idea that we need someone to feel complete. However, this is a point of view that hurts more than you think.

orange woman

It immediately makes us think that we are incomplete beings who need someone else to find the meaning of their life. In this way, when we live guided by this maxim, we feel the deep desire to find that creature so wonderful that gives meaning to our existence.

Remember that you don’t need anyone to complete you. You yourself are finite beings from the moment of your birth. What you need is to find someone who helps you grow without changing your personality and who values ​​who you really are.

2. I am getting old

Until a few decades ago, being single after 30 or 40 was not well received. For this reason, it was common to see many people, especially women, fall into the mistake of staying with the wrong partner. The good thing about living in our age is that we don’t need to listen to these prejudices.

We advise you not to worry about your age or eternal single life. The right person arrives at the right time. However, if it doesn’t come, that’s okay. You will have more time to spend with your loved ones.

3. I need to save someone to make my life meaningful

Were your romantic relationships with people who had bad habits? Did you try to change that person, but only managed to hurt yourself? It’s okay to worry about others, but you have to learn to say stop at the right time.

Believing that you can turn your partner into a better person will only make you unhappy, especially if it is a person with addiction problems or negative behaviors. Some people believe they can change and improve the lives of their loved ones, but you can’t help those who don’t want to be helped.

If you really want to feel useful, offer your help to those who need it, but don’t put more effort into it than necessary. Before protecting others, you must be comfortable with yourself. You may have to ask yourself why you want to help others. Find the answer and help yourself first.

4. It’s the best I can find

What do you think you deserve? Are you among those who believe that you are not good enough to find a better person? When you are looking for a partner, circumstances, limitations or fears don’t matter and you don’t have to settle for anyone.

People with low self-esteem usually  accept any relationship, no matter how terrible it is, because they can’t be alone. If you don’t give up on this idea, you will never stop having problematic relationships that won’t just cause you unhappiness.

You can get out of this dynamic by engaging in activities that make you feel whole and by surrounding yourself with people who truly value you. If you feel the need, you can also seek professional help.

girl under a tree

5. It has all the characteristics of the perfect partner

Sometimes we come into contact with people who seem perfect in the eyes of our family. Despite this, the fact that a person possesses certain qualifications does not necessarily make him the best option. A successful couple is based on the respect that partners have for each other, on real communication and on sincere admiration.

These are the five reasons why we always end up with the wrong partner. If you haven’t made the right choice, don’t worry, because you can always change your situation. If you think you need help, ask for it, as certain habits are hard to break away from.

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