A Soul For Two Bodies

One soul for two bodies

There are people in our lives who make us happy for the simple coincidence  of having met them on our path.

Some walk the path alongside us,  seeing many suns rise, but others we barely see between one step and another. We call them all “friends” and there are many different types. 

Each leaf of a tree represents one of our friends. The first that comes from the sprout is our  friend dad and our  friend mom, who show us what life is. Then come the  brothers friends, with whom we share our space so that they can flourish like us. 

Let’s get to know the  whole family of leaves that we respect and love. 

Destiny also introduces us to other friends, whom we did not know we would cross on our path. Many of them we call them  friends of the soul, of the heart. They are sincere, they are true. They know when we are not well, they know what makes us happy.  

Sometimes one of these special friends enters our hearts in a particular way and, therefore, we speak of a  friend in love.  It makes our eyes sparkle, it’s music to our ears, butterflies in the stomach. 

There are also those friends who share with us only a period, holidays or days or hours. They make us laugh all the time we are with them. 

We cannot forget the distant friends, those who are in the tips of the branches and who, when the wind blows, appear between one leaf and another. 

Time passes, summer ends, autumn is approaching and  we lose some leaves;  some will be born the following summer and others will remain for many seasons. However, what makes us happier is that those who have fallen continue to stay close to us, feeding our roots with joy. They are memories of wonderful moments when our destinies crossed.

I wish you, leaf of my tree, peace, love, health, luck and prosperity. Today and always… Simply because each person who passes through our life is unique. He always leaves something of himself and takes a little of us.

There will be those who take a lot,  but  no  there will be no one  who will not let anything. 

This is the greatest responsibility of our life and the clear proof that two souls do not meet by chance. 

This beautiful story, The tree of friends ”,  by the great Jorge Luis Borges perfectly illustrates how relationships occur in the tree of our life. Perhaps the leaves of a tree will fly, but it is certain that the branch will bloom again.

A friend is the one who knows all your flaws and still loves you. Perhaps these are the friends of the soul and the friends in love, the ones we can call life companions. They are tremendously brave and it is thanks to them that we are always leafy and colorful.

I think one of the biggest challenges of being a tree is defoliation, which is getting our leaves to turn yellow and fall off for the harvest. There are leaves that last our whole life, there are leaves that fall as soon as you touch them and, then, there are leaves that fall before autumn comes, and these are the most painful.

That some of them detach from our branches prematurely can make us think we are a sick tree, they certainly cause deep sadness in our roots. However, once they rot, they bring the beauty they were meant to bring and make room for the new leaves that will come with spring.

It’s simple, like trees, our greatest aspiration is to have lush leaves and juicy fruits, the most beautiful, our greatest treasure. Our major responsibility is to stay vigorous, take root and keep growing; ultimately, to be symbols of love, health and prosperity.

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