12 Activities To Stimulate Emotions

12 activities to stimulate emotions

What you do with your hands has an immediate effect on your brain. A considerable number of therapies rely on manual activities to be able to channel the most problematic emotions or feelings. This is not a foregone conclusion: in fact, manual work predisposes us to more positive attitudes and thoughts.

Today we are going to tell you about the manual tasks you can do when something is not working as it should. They are a simple and wonderful therapy. They will help you understand that, indeed, you can change the way you view the situation that is creating your anxiety.

Manual activities to manage anger

For moments of anger, there is nothing better than drawing straight lines. Horizontal, vertical and diagonal. For every detail that crosses your mind and feeds your anger, make a straight mark. You will see how powerful the effect will be.

Spirals to move forward

Draw spirals to overcome the stalemate and get rid of the idea that you have no way out or a clear path to follow. Use different colors and paint one on top of the other, without thinking too much. Let them flow freely.

Spirals that form heart

Put an end to the indignation

Anger, at times, has very powerful foundations, especially when you have been the victim of injustice or feel indignation towards a concrete fact. To put an end to the indignation, the ideal is to take old papers and tear them into small pieces. As small as you can. You will see that you will immediately feel better.

Drawings to activate concentration

If you feel lost or aimless, but want to focus on something concrete and reach it, you can activate your attention by drawing squares or grids, as perfect as possible. Another option is to draw concentric centers, such as those in target shooting. Try to make the best of the details and you will see that your willpower will strengthen.

Cheer up with landscapes

When you feel low and feel that you lack energy, you can activate your vitality by painting multicolored landscapes. Don’t worry about the shape, rather about the different tones to make the sky, the nature, the sea or any other landscape you choose.

Colorful landscape

Self-portraits, always self-portraits …

Sometimes you don’t know what is bothering you, what makes you sad or bothers you. You don’t even know if you are doing it right or not. In these moments of confusion, in which you cannot define what you are feeling, the ideal is to take a self-portrait.

Stand in front of a mirror and concentrate on the expression of your gaze, mouth and forehead. Try to reproduce it. This exercise promotes self-perception. Manual activities related to self-portrait facilitate self-knowledge and self-perception.

What do you wish?

As in the previous case, you are sometimes confused not so much in terms of feelings, but specifically your desires. You face dilemmas and you don’t know which way to go, you find yourself in a state of confusion and uncertainty …

In these moments of indecision, the ideal is to make collages. Take old magazines or newspapers and make a collage on a piece of paper or a postcard. Don’t think too much about the composition, do it almost automatically. The collage itself will give you clues about the decisions to be made.

Solutions for disappointment

There are moments of disillusionment or disappointment when a manual activity can be of great help. When you feel disillusioned, take a famous painting you like and try to replicate it by drawing it on a piece of paper. It will help you redirect your emotions.

Yes, there is always a way out

If you have a problem that seems to have no solution, sit down in front of a blank sheet of paper and start drawing waves of different colors and / or circles of different sizes. Try to make each figure with a single stroke and, preferably, use cold colors. Repeat this exercise until you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Believe it: you will see it.

Strengthen understanding

Try as you might, there are things you just can’t understand. Whether it’s the way of completing a task, a lesson or the behavior of another person. Drawing mandalas or shapes with arabesques will help you open up to understanding. Take your time, try to relax and calm down.


Anxiety and dolls

Who has never experienced one of those anxiety attacks in their life that push you to the edge of despair? There are many situations that cause this anxiety that doesn’t seem to want to go away in any way.

When you feel anxious, the best thing you can do is make a rag doll. The size does not matter, but it must be complete: with the head, body and extremities. Give the doll the shape you want and draw an expression on its face. This manual activity will attract the serenity you need.

pair of dolls

The millennial knowledge of sewing

When you are afraid, sew. Yes, you read that correctly. It doesn’t matter which method you choose – it can be crochet, knitting, macrame, hand loom work or any other technique. Sewing and weaving are millenary activities, which allow you to strengthen confidence in your abilities. In the fabric, as well as in life, the threads come together to form something new.

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