Psychological Audacity: The Value Of Courage

Psychological audacity is that personal value that makes us gain confidence, that moves our inner resources 
Psychological audacity: the value of courage

The ‘ psychological boldness is a human virtue that we can train and empower. Thanks to it we will face the daily difficulties with more courage and temperance.

It gives us courage and willpower. That vital impulse capable of paving the way, broadening perspectives and facing difficulties.

Thanks to psychological audacity, the subject is reckless, since he has learned to dare, to claim with respect what he deserves, to work harder every day for what he needs and desires.

An ancient proverb reminds us that fear and courage are brothers. As if, in a certain sense, the human being was always forced to face the barriers of pain and insecurity to reach the goal.

Well, where can we draw the inspiring flame capable of igniting our abilities in the necessary moments? People, on average, are very resistant to change, just as they are conditioned by fear.

This is where a skill that we can all train and enhance comes into play. We are talking about psychological audacity, that personal value that makes us gain confidence, that moves our inner resources to reach the goal and face adversity.

Søren Kierkegaard, father of existentialism, said that courage requires a momentary loss of balance. Well, not to dare means, sooner or later, to lose yourself. Let’s learn to awaken this value, let’s give ourselves permission to be a little more daring by training these aspects.

Valiant man

4 strategies to awaken psychological audacity

Psychological audacity, as well as courage, is not supported by an extensive scientific literature. This is because they are attributes of so-called personal development.

However, it is worth mentioning the interesting Character Strengths and Virtues study by Martin Seligman, published in 2005 in the American Journal of Psychiatry .

It not only described the characteristics that define people capable of facing adversity, but also those of those who know how to invest resources and develop skills for their own well-being. The same ones that manage stress and anxiety better.

Thus, of all the types of strength that emerged in the study, boldness stands out among them all. This, however, is not intended only as a synonym for courage. The adjective bold is richer and deeper from a psychological point of view.

Boldness generates strategies derived from the clarity of thought. It also presupposes the desire to act correctly. Bold people have a code of ethics, a goal, and a willingness to overcome fear.

Let us now analyze the aspects that will allow us to awaken psychological audacity .

Personal motivation

1. When faced with uncertainty, make a decision

Daniel Kahneman is one of the psychologists who have studied the field of decision making the most. It emerged that one aspect that always puts us to the test is uncertainty. That space where fears grow and insecurity reigns. Not knowing what will happen anguishes us and often immobilizes us.

A useful tool for dealing with these situations is psychological audacity, or learning to make decisions.

Sometimes, Dr. Kahneman explains, even just deciding what we’re going to eat today means taking control of something. A decision is always the first step, it is movement and allows you to hold the reins of your life.

2. The value of discussion and diversity of thought

Those who do not discuss their reality end up getting used to it, allowing themselves to be overcome and conditioned. The bold person avoids this approach. And he does it because he has learned and think differently, to ask himself questions, to want to go further, to form his own opinion.

All this takes time and courage, it demands the breaking of complacent patterns and attitudes.

No one achieves such personal advancement in a day or two. In fact, it is a constant exercise; at first it is done in a low voice and without making noise. It is only observed. Then, fears are overcome and the assertive voice finally emerges, learning to complain, to argue, to clarify the position.

3. Taking responsibility

Making your way to psychological audacity and courage means making a pact with yourself.

An alliance with one’s self with which one declares oneself responsible for every action committed, for every aspect left behind, for every error, for every defeat and also for every victory.

Only when we stop blaming others for experienced disappointments or losses will we be ready to move forward without unnecessary burdens.

Although we have been told more than once that the bold person is often moved by anger or by the determination that comes from a strong character, it must be emphasized that it is not an unconditional truth.

Only the calm mind appreciates life with greater clarity. Only those who abandon resentment and fear are able to continue with more lightness, having clear what they aspire to.

Man on the top

4. Expand horizons

Moving away from the coast we discover the greatness and beauty of the ocean. However, as we well know, nothing scares us more than looking away from everyday ports.

Thus, experts on the subject such as Brené Brown, a researcher at the University of Houston who specializes in aspects such as vulnerability, courage or shame, report the following.

Nobody comes to this world equipped with psychological audacity that allows them to face any experience without fear. We must continue a little at a time. To expand your horizons, you don’t need to go far. Sometimes we can  also grow by knowing other people. Crossing the threshold of certain doors, abandoning spaces of comfort.

We can also be bold by changing habits. These little swings in our routine nourish the mind, strengthen the heart, and train us for increasing audacity. And finally they generate the advancement we really need. We dare to train our daily courage.

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