5 Things Successful People Do Differently

5 things successful people do differently

What is the secret of successful people? What do they do differently from others? Is it a question of habits, behaviors, attitudes? Is it a matter of luck or were they simply born in the perfect environment to achieve triumph?

You are not born wearing success, as if it were the shirt of the famous saying, and it is not something that depends on the environment in which you come into the world. There are many cases of people who grow up in propitious environments and / or surrounded by successful people (each in their own way) and then instead are the most unfortunate and unsuccessful.

This is due to the fact that when it comes to success, habits and planning are very important, as well as personal development, value development and goal planning.

What successful people have in common

As you will see, what successful people do is not that difficult.

1 – Successful people set and try to achieve SMART goals.

SMART is an acronym that in English stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely , that is precise, measurable, achievable, meaningful and opportune objectives. It must be said that SMART lenses are really smart (intelligent).

When we manage to identify our SMART goals, we also find a real motivation that drives us to achieve them and we feel ready to develop the behaviors, skills and dexterity necessary to achieve them as well.

2 – Successful people immediately take the necessary and decisive measures

The real reason many people fail is simply because they don’t take action. Studying, learning, researching… all of this is great, but it leads nowhere if you don’t really act.

The problem is that many people are dedicated to dreaming of something that won’t come until they start taking action. The climb begins with a step, they know it well, but they don’t realize that just packing their bags doesn’t get them anywhere.

Success depends on simply making the decision to live. Successful people make this decision and take the necessary and decisive steps to achieve their goals.

3 – Successful people focus on being productive, not doing many things at the same time

In his book 4 Hours a Week , Tim Ferriss argues that you need to slow down and remember that many of the things that happen make no difference. Keeping busy is often a type of mental laziness. He also argues that lazy thinking and acting indiscriminately are not the way to triumph and instead act smarter and without making everything more difficult.

However, if you look around and observe yourself, you will realize that people are busy trying to be busy, but being busy is not the same as being productive. These busy people are always on edge, tired, and never reach all of their goals. Ferriss says the solution is to slow down, review commitments and goals, and put the most important things first.

4 – Successful people avoid perfection

Many people are perfectionists and consider it a fundamental characteristic, they are proud of it. However, perfectionism is one of the greatest enemies of improvement and success as perfection does not exist, at least in mortal life.

Pursuing perfection is not negative, on the contrary, it helps to improve. The problem is to stop and try to improve what has already been done,  but we must not get carried away. Successful people try to do things better and then make improvements, but without stopping to improve what has already been done.

Remember that the real world does not reward perfectionists, it rewards those who accomplish what they have to do. The only way to do things is to be imperfect 99% of the time. Don’t doubt it, take action, learn from the results and repeat this method over and over.

5 – Successful people work outside their own safe environment

Many people do not accept opportunities presented to them simply because they think they are not ready. In other words, they don’t feel comfortable and believe they need more knowledge, skills, experience about it before they can accept that opportunity. Unfortunately, however, this way of thinking stifles personal growth and success.

No one ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity presents itself. Most of the great opportunities in life force us to grow emotionally and intellectually, they force us to push ourselves further to get out of our safe environment, which means that at first we will not feel completely comfortable. And when we’re not comfortable, we don’t feel ready.

However, significant opportunities for personal growth and success will arise in life that come and go. If you want to change for the better and reach new milestones in your life, you need to seize these opportunities, even if you will never feel completely ready. This is what successful people do.

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